

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I haven't done this since May 13th....so have a lot of catching up to do!  Yes I could just start from last Monday...but where is the fun in that??LOL  So if you want to know more about me...read on!


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Getting To Know You

1.  Have you ever been skinny dipping?  No...why scare people like that??LOL
2.  If you could choose an exotic vacation destination today, where would you go?  Monaco maybe...not really sure.
3.  Do you prefer to live in the city or the suburbs?  I'm used to living in a small town.  I love going to the city because it has so much more to do!  But I'm not sure I would want to live in one full time.
4.  If you could paint, draw or illustrate any masterpiece in the world, what would it be?  I don't know....
5.  What is your favorite dish to cook when you’re cooking for one?  I hate to cook.  I know that's horrible & all...but it's just boring & tedious to me.  So something easy would be good.
6.  Who has recently influenced you in a spectacular way?  I would have to say nobody at this point in time.  I did go see Joel Osteen once & he was pretty cool.  But not recently.
7.  Have you ever considered dating a person who’s younger than you?  If so, how young would you go?  I'm now living with my boyfriend...he's 30 & I'm 44.
8.  What do you typically wear when you’re at home with no plans to go out?  Pajama pants & a t-shirt.
9.  Do you prefer a shower or a bath?  I take showers daily.  I don't take baths because I'm too damn big.LOL  Now if I had a Jacuzzi tub...that would be a whole different story.
10.  When you meet strangers are you outgoing or more introverted?  Totally introverted.  I'm more outgoing than I used to be...but until I get to know someone...I revert to being that horribly shy teenager.

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