

Monday, November 25, 2013


friend makin mondays

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Relationships and Dating
1.  List five characteristics that you think are important in a significant other.  I just wrote this in the last FMM.lol  He has to have a sense of humor, be honest, loyal, caring & have a nice smile.
2.  If you had to choose between staying single for the next two years (as in, no dating at all,) or receiving $10,000, which would you choose?  Decisions, decisions....LOL  I really need the money right now to buy a car...since mine isn't running any longer.  But I don't like being single...was that way for long enough.  So going to have to go for the love thing.;)
3.  What is your relationship status?  Are you satisfied with it?  I'm in a relationship.  Satisfied with it...that's a hard question.  Yes in all aspects except the physical attraction thing....it just isn't there for him.:(  But he loves me a lot & that's what matters Yep leads to some arguments, but trying to get past it.
4.  Would you date someone who has children?  I might.  I already have kids.  I'm not sure if I would want to have more around.  But if I really liked someone, guess it wouldn't matter if he had kids or not.  My youngest is 10.  Not sure if I would want a guy with kids younger than like 8.  I don't want to start over again...raising little kids.
5.  Would you date someone who’s shorter than you?  If I liked him...then probably.  But I prefer to date guys who are taller than me.  I'm like 5'9...so don't want anyone too much shorter than me.  I'm also "bigger."  I don't want to feel like I can protect the guy more than he can protect me!!LOL
6.  Would you date someone who has different political views?  Different political views doesn't really bother me, so yes I would.
7.  If you were going on vacation together, would you choose the beach or the mountains?  If I was thinner, definitely the beach.  Since I'm not...I LOVE the mountains...so would love to stay in a cabin somewhere.
8.  How do you show someone that you’re interested in them?  I don't know.LOL  It's hard for me.  Just basically go up & talk to them.  If I get their number, then text every once in awhile.  I would rather they put forth the effort first though...or at least equally.
9.  Do you prefer to date people who are older than you or younger?  I have always preferred younger.  Not sure why.  The boyfriend I'm living with right now is 30 & I'm 44.
10.  Share some details of your dream date.  Would love for a guy to pick me up, open the door to his car for me, go to a nice restaurant with candles & low lighting.  Eat some, drink a little, talk to each other.  Then go for a walk under the stars.  Find a place in a park, lay a blanket down & look at the stars.  I know...a bit mushy.

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