

Monday, August 27, 2012


I can lose & gain like 5 lbs within a few days...it's very irritating.  I weighed a couple of days ago & I was 302...so was looking forward to being under 300 by my birthday...instead I'm up to 307 again!  It makes no sense to me.  The only thing I didn't do was take my "water pill" yesterday that I take for high blood pressure.  If I don't take that for a day or two, I can gain between 3-5 lbs of water weight.  So I don't know if that's it or what...but I get discouraged.  But at least I'm below 310 & that's a good thing.  I had gotten back up to like 317 again & was seriously freaking out.  I felt that if I got back to 320 again that I would just be at the point of no return & end up being 600 lbs or something.  So, for now,  I will take the 307.  Now...I have been wearing shorts all Summer...jean shorts..not stretchy ones...I learned from past mistakes on that one.  I was wearing a size 48 mens jean...yes I know that's big people...before Summer...well I got into a size 46 today and it's not that tight!!  WOO HOO!!  Now to put that into perspective...I have written about this once before, but at the end of the Summer in 2008 I think it was...I had worn stretchy shorts all Summer...I went to put on a pair of my jeans from the Spring...I couldn't even get them past my thighs!!  The biggest mens' jean they have at Wal-Mart is like a 52..and usually they don't even have that.  Even THOSE wouldn't fit me!!  I think I found a pair out of town that was a 54 & yep..you guessed it...didn't fit me either.  So had to go to a fat girl store and get jeans there.  Well I figure those were the equivalent (sp?) to a size 56 mens' jean at Wal-Mart (their sizes were different).  So I was in like a size 56 jean at one time & am now in a size 46.  So yes, I'm quite happy & proud of myself for that.:)  I haven't been below a size 44 in years...so that's a goal to go for.

Yesterday, my niece, Jasmine turned 2.:)  I wasn't able to go over for her birthday though..due to lack of money & a decent vehicle.  She lives 4 hrs away.  My mom & step-dad were able to go over though...so that's cool.  Also Justine went with her ex-boyfriend Andy.  Now there's a weird situation that I won't go into right now.  Justine is Jasmines' half sister...they are A LOT of years apart!  Justine is 19 right now. 

My 43rd birthday is on Friday...that's so weird to say.  I freaked out over turning 40...but now it's not such a big deal...though I don't usually FEEL like I'm in my 40's.  Some days...I definitely do though.  I'm going to Colorado Springs on Thursday to spend the weekend with JM.:)  I'm happy & excited about it.  I haven't seen him since the end of July.  We've had our ups & downs...I don't know if it will work out or not...I hope so...but you never know.  We enjoy spending time together & just hanging out & that's cool with me.

I STILL have a stuffy nose.  I don't think I have ever had one for this long before!  It's annoying.  I can't smell or taste anything.   The doctor gave me some nose spray & I guess that's helping a bit.  Also prescribed an anthistamine (sp?), but I haven't been able to get that yet...probably won't be able to until sometime next week...just lack of funds.  I'll have money on Friday, but I won't be here to get it then.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend with JM!

Can't wait to hear how it went!