

Sunday, August 12, 2012


OK first I just want to say I'M TIRED OF BEING SICK!!!!  OK...needed to get that out of my system!LOL  This is ridiculous.  This cold is driving me crazy.  You would think that I would start feeling better by now...or that I would be getting over it by now...but no.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever not be sick!  I know that I just need to be patient...but sheesh.  I need to get some things done today around the house, but mostly I'm just going to try to rest...because starting tomorrow...things will be hectic.  I need to get the house cleaned up, get the kids registered for school, etc.  Dominic starts school on the 20th..since he will be in the 5th grade (first year of middle school), they want to have that day just to get used to things, etc.  Then the other two boys start school on the 21st.  The Summer has gone by way too fast.  Dominic is ready to go back to school...Phillip & Matthew...not so much.  I hope that they will all have a good year with no problems with bullying, etc. 

Daves' b-day was yesterday, so the boys were with him for most of the day.  He is supposed to have them on weekends anyway..but they don't always want to stay with him the whole time.  Dave was pretty depressed and said that it was the 2nd worst birthday he's ever had (the first...his dad passed away on his birthday in 2008).  He came by the house yesterday morning, but I didn't answer the door.  I was here by myself and I knew what he wanted.  I texted him and told him I was in the shower and I would text him later.  He said he just wanted to talk, so I told him that we could go get coffee somewhere.  He didn't want to be that public..since he was pretty "down."  So I met him out at the cemetery.  Yes a bit weird..but private and I also wanted to go out there anyway since his dad has been gone for 4 years now.  Anyway, he is totally messed up over Gracie.  Says he can't sleep, he's not eating, he can't afford his diabetes medicine, feels nervous all the time, cries a lot, etc.  I told him that he needs to maybe see a shrink, so he has someone to talk to.  Him and Gracie are still texting some, but she doesn't feel the same.  We always go back to the same old crap though...he blames me for guilting him into staying here instead of moving to Denver to be with Gracie....guess I'm guilty of that.  I feel bad now that I see how upset he is.  I just wanetd him to stay around here for the boys' sakes...but maybe that was wrong of me?  I don't really think it was wrong, because the boys need him...but maybe I should have just let it go.  Plus it took me a long time to get totally over him.  I'm always saying that Karma is a bitch...but I don't like seeing anyone being miserable.  Yet I still don't want anything to do with him really.  I mean he wants to take my kids away from me.  He says that he feels that they would be better off with him.  He wants to move to Denver with them.  That's why I think he just wants them for the child support money...there's no way he can move to Denver and get his own place unless he has more money.  None of the boys want to live with him and I have told him that.  Why put them thru even more stress than they have already been thru?  Anyway, after talking about all of that crap...finally got to what he wanted in the first place...and why I hadn't answered the door before....he wanted to go back to the house for a booty call.  I told him it wasn't going to happen...so he was pissed off about that.  This is all a tiring thing. 

JM....he got back from Seattle last night.  So he called and we talked for awhile.  One of his friends told him that he would have a job for him and a place to live if he wanted to move back to Seattle.:( But he told him that he was starting a life in Colorado right now...but he would keep that in mind.  Then there was an issue with a girl up there that he had been seeing a few years ago and she wasn't "over him" or whatever.  He told me what all went on....no they didn't do anything...but not for lack of trying on her part.  I'm not sure how I'm feeling about all of that right now.  The week he was up there has been an "eye opener." 

As for my low carb diet and weight loss...I'm happy to say that I'm doing pretty good!!:)  I also started exercising again on the 10th...doing some of the exercise DVD's I have.  Feels good to be moving again.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I wouldn't feel guilty about Dave. He's an adult, he can make his own decisions and live by them. The fact he came over for som booty time shows tht maybe he needs to sort his own life out and really think about what he wants. If he can't sort himself out then he will definitely not be able to sort himself AND the kids out if he goes for custody.