

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Saturday afternoon...the boys went to the mountains to go 4-wheeling with my step-dad, ex brother-in-law, Tad and his friend Andy.  They had a blast!  Mom and I went up later and they actually got me on one of those things...though I did ride with Tad..didn't feel like totally making a fool out of myself!LOL  It was the first time I had ever been on one...it was actually pretty fun.  I love being in the mountains and just being able to get away.

Then on Sunday, I went down to Canon City to hang out with my friend, Tracy.  We drove to Pueblo to go see the movie "Magic Mike."  OK....I was really looking forward to this movie...but it wasn't all that great.  The only thing that saved it, in my opinion, was Channing Tatum (he is beyond hot!).  It was a bit of a disappointment.:(   Then we went to lunch at a Chinese Buffet...it was OK, but I'm not really into Chinese food...but she likes it, so I didn't say anything,LOL  That's the way it usually goes...just keep my mouth shut if it makes someone else happy.  I didn't stick to low carb that day.:(  I had popcorn at the movie (it's a must), then a few other things throughout the day.  I was "good" yesterday, but my weight is about the same or up some.  I hate that.  I dread weighing tomorrow.  I wonder if it's the sausage I'm eating...they say to be careful of processed meats like that..since they do have some sugar in them.  That's all I like having for breakfast though.  Or maybe it's the protein drink that I have in replacement of one of my meals?  I really don't know.  I know I need to exercise more.  Just haven't had the energy...yes it was a cold and not allergies.  I'm like."really?!  I just got over pneumonia and NOW I have a cold???!"  I'm hoping that I get totally well soon.  This is getting to be ridiculous.  Anyway..about the working out...I'm really going to try to ger some exercise in every day.

Last night...Dave dropped Dominic off at moms' (since that's where I was).  He was all sad and depressed, because Gracie hardly texts him anymore.  Says that all he has now is the boys.  Sounds like what I used to say when he left me.  I DO feel bad for him..can you believe that??  I don't like to see anyone being sad.  But he left me for her and didn't give a crap about how I felt or how our kids felt...so why should I even care?  Then he's like "I want to talk about something and I don't want you to get mad."  I knew then, that it wasn't going to be good...remember how I said that there are always good things or bad things in August more than any other time of the year for me?  Well he goes "I think the boys would be better off with me and I plan on filing for custody."  I"m like WTF??!!  It's NOT going to happen!  I love my kids.  I don't even know how he could think about taking them away from me!  He has said over and over again that he wouldn't do that to me.  That he knows how much I love them.  He would move them to Denver and I could see them when I wanted.  I don't want to 'visit' my kids!  They belong with me.  If you ask them, they would say they want to live with me.  No doubt.  But will the judge see that it's better if they're with me instead of him?  I don't know.  Then he goes "I don't have the money to file right now, but I'll let you know when I do."  So now I have to WAIT to see what he's going to do??  You know what I think?  He needs money to pay off all of his debt.  So, this way, he doesn't have to pay child support and he would have all that extra money..he could pay things off faster.  He is so messed up over Gracie..that he thinks that if he tells her that he has the kids and extra money, that she will take him back.  I don't think it's that easy.  I think she's over him.  I really don't know.  All I know is that he's NOT taking my kids away from me!  People want to see crazy...that would probably push me over the edge.  I can't imagine my life without my boys.;(


Cathy said...

I told you Magic Mike wasn't that great. Shoulda listened to me. =)

I'm sorry that Dave is threatening to fight you for custody. =(

Tim said...

All you can do is keep being a great mum to our kids and surely that'll be enough to prove that you are the one who the kids should be with.