

Friday, August 3, 2012


Monday Randomness!

Maybe I should be sleeping...I'm always up too late..,then tired during the day.
I love my kids & my family
People would say that I’m a worrier, obsessive, funny, talk too much, crazy 
I don’t understand why horrible things are allowed to happen (such as the shooting in Aurora)
When I wake up in the morning I have to make myself get out of bed and start another day
I lost some people in my life that I wish I hadn't
Life is full of craziness...but a lot of happiness as well.
My past is full of fun times and lessons learned
I get annoyed when
people don't do what they say they're going to do.
Parties are fun, but I haven't been to one in awhile.
I wish I had more energy
Dogs are OK..,.but I don't want one
Birds are awesome...love listening to them
Tomorrow I’ll be taking my oldest son out for breakfast.
I have low tolerance for people who lie to me
I’m totally terrified of getting old
I wonder why I can't just "go with the flow"
Never in my life have I
skied (sp?) even though I live like 24 miles from a ski area!!
High school was a friggin' nightmare that I wouldn't want to do again...unless I could be one of the thin, beautiful girls.
When I’m nervous I sometimes laugh..which isn't always good.
One time at a family gathering  I had taken some Tylenol with Codeine for some pain...and slept thru the whole thing.
Take my advice: Live in the moment and try not to worry about anything else....know that you're where you're meant to be.
Making my bed isn't a priority
I’m almost always overthinking everything
I’m addicted to reality TV
I want someone to be there for me and show me that they want to be in my life and how much I mean to them.

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