

Monday, August 27, 2012



Kissed your cousin: Ummmm....no...though I DO have some hot looking cousins!!;)

Ran away: No...but feel like it sometimes.

Pictured your crush naked: Not really...would rather SEE them naked!!LOL

Skipped school: I think once or twice when I WAS in school...maybe a few more times than that.

Broken someone's heart: Yes....and I'm not proud of it.

Been in love: A few times

Cried when someone died: WHY wouldn't you cry if someone died?? If you don't..then there is something a little off about you.

Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Maybe a few times

Broken a bone: No.....knock on wood

Done something embarrasing: I'm pretty sure I have done a few embarrassing things in my life.

Lied: I try not to, but sometimes...well it just comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.LOL Not big lies...just lies so I don't make someone mad at me or hurt their feelings.

Cried in school: I'm pretty sure I cried a few times in school for one reason or another.


Coke or Pepsi: Coke...diet now.

Sprite or 7UP: Neither...but if I have to choose...7UP

Girls or Guys: Definitely guys!!;)

Flowers or Candy: Flowers...don't need candy.

Scruff or Clean shaved: It depends on the guy..some guys look good "scruffy." Here is an example of each:

Channing Tatum....and look at that smile!! Yummy!!

Eric Christian Olsen...plays on NCIS: Los Angeles...such a hottie!!

Blondes or Brunettes: It depends on the guy...

Bitchy or Slutty: If it's talking about me....I'm probably more bitchy than slutty...though I think most girls have that inner slut.LOL

Tall or Short: Would rather have the guy taller than me...I'm 5'9.

Pants or Shorts: If you're going out...than pants for sure...if just hanging out...go with the shorts.

Night or Day: I'm more of a night person...love the night...should be a vampire...but drinking blood would be nasty...and I don't want to be a "sparkly" vampire!LOL


What do you notice first: Their eyes and smile...probably the smile first. LOVE a nice smile...not everyone has to like it...but if I do....I'm a goner.

Last person you slow danced with: I haven't slow danced in so long I can't remember...probably my ex-husband.

Worst Question To Ask: "When are you due" and then find out that they're NOT pregnant!! Happened once...talk about awkward!!


Showered: Yesterday afternoon...getting ready to jump in the shower now after I'm done with this.

Stepped outside: About an hour ago...some of these questions are weird.

Had Sex: Do you REALLY want to know this???LOL Are we talking about GOOD sex or just ANY sex? The beginning of July for just sex...it could have been a lot better...but I was sick. GOOD sex....it's been too long to remember.:( I don't get to have sex often these days...*sigh*

Romantic memory: Going for a walk by the river.

WHAT IS (your favourite)...

Your Good Luck Charm: I really don't have one...though I'm on the lookout for any that work!

Person You Hate Most: I don't HATE anyone...it's a waste of energy. Now there are some people who I highly dislike in this world and I'm sure they feel the same about me.

Best Thing That Has Happened: Having my kids.

On your desk: A bunch of junk that I really need to go thru and get rid of. Way too much clutter.

Picture on your desktop/laptop: Can't remember what it's called...but it has bubbles floating around....soooo entertaining.:)

Movie: I love a lot of different movies...but one of my fave of all time is "Tombstone."

Artist: Thomas Kincaide...RIP

Cars: I don't know a lot about cars...as long as they run...I'm good.LOL I do like trucks though...a dark blue or black one would be nice.

Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Season: Autumn...LOVE that time of year!!

Breakfast Food: I don't eat breakfast in the morning usually...yes I know that's weird...but if I eat too early, then I don't feel well. But my fave breakfast food....crisp bacon!!! I could live on that stuff.


Makes you laugh the most: It's hard to make me laugh these days and anyone who can is automatically on my best friends list!! I will have to say...JM.

Makes you smile: My friends family & JM...you may get tired of those initials.

Can make you feel better no matter what: I don't know about this one..it's hard to make me feel better if I'm really down...so I will have to say myself.

Has A Crush On You: I have no idea...

Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I definitely do...yes you guessed it...JM!!LOL

Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: Has it easier for what? Getting good paying jobs..probably guys...but that is changing a bit now. Has it easier getting laid? Definitely girls. Guys have to work for it...girls just have to go up to some guy usually and tell him she wants to get laid and he's game!!

Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: JM...a good funny feeling...butterflies in my stomach.


Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: When I was younger, I used to wait by the phone...but now that I have a cell...I just check it for texts every 5 minutes!!LOL OK I exaggerate a little.:)

Save MSN/Yahoo messages: No...I really don't get on messenger all that much.

Save E-mails: Some of them, I do...if they have something important in them or are from someone that is really important to me.

Forward secret E-mails: Secret e-mails? Why would they be "secret?"LOL

Wish you were someone else: No I don't wish I was anyone else...I'm me and that's good enough. Now do I wish I could change a few things about myself? Yes. I would be thinner and not be so insecure about everything.

Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Nope.

Perfume: Curves Crush

Kiss: Any time I can! Kissing is one of the best things in life!

Cuddle: YES! LOVE to cuddle!!

Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: I have been on way too many hours at a time...but I don't think it's ever gotten up to eight!


Fallen for your best friend?: No...since my best friends are girls and I have never swung that way!;)

Made out with JUST a friend?: Ummmm....yes I have...a GUY friend!!LOL

Kissed two people in the same day?: I must say...yes I have, but not recently.

Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Again I have to be honest and say yes. But this was when I was younger...that's my only excuse.

Been rejected: A million times.:( OK, maybe not THAT many...but too many to think about.

Been in love?: I think I answered this question already...yes a few times. It doesn't happen often...but I love being "in love."

Been in lust?: Now this happens MUCH MORE frequently than falling in love!!LOL

Used someone?: I hope I have never used anyone...if I have, I didn't mean to.

Been used?: Yes unfortunately...I used to be way too nice...still am sometimes...but have learned my lesson....took me awhile though.

Cheated on someone?: Yes I have....again when I was younger...guess I wasn't a very "good" person when I was younger, huh?:(

Been cheated on?: Yes. My ex-husband left me for someone else

Been kissed?: Well I should hope so! I have 3 kids!!LOL

Done something you regret?: I try not to regret anything, because everything I have done, has made me the person I am today and I don't think I'm half bad.


You touched?: My kids when I hugged them before they left for school this morning.

You talked to?: Again....my kids.

You hugged?: OK this is getting silly...my kids!!LOL

You instant messaged?: I don't do instant message.

You kissed?: JM

You yelled at?: Dave...my ex

You thought about?: Definitely JM...think about him a lot.

Who text messaged you?: Mike

Who broke your heart?: My ex...hoping it never happens again..but that just may be wishful thinking.

Who told you they loved you?: JM...made my day.:)

[b]DO YOU...

Color your hair?: Yes...original color is light brown...I dye it blonde.

Have tattoos?: Yes I have one on my forearm...

Have piercings?: One in each ear

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes I have a boyfriend....JM I'm telling you!!LOL

Own a webcam?: Yes, but I don't usually use it....think I look ridiculous on it.

Own a thong?: LOL...no

Ever get off the damn computer?: Every now & then.;)

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Does that mean "speak Dutch?"LOL If so...no.

Habla espanol?: I took Spanish in high school...but didn't learn anything.LOL

Quack?: Ummmmm......not today?LOL


Stolen anything?: When I was a kid...I used to steal things.:( Not proud of that.

Smoke?: No..just never got into it..which I'm thankful for.

Schizophrenic?: No

Obsessive?: Yes I can be.

Compulsive?: Definitely...which isn't always a good thing.

Obsessive compulsive?: Yes about certain things I am...like checking to make sure something is locked when it's supposed to be or turning off the stove.

Panic?: I used to have panic attacks A LOT.:( I wouldn't wish them on anyone. They're horrible.

Anxiety?: Yes I still get anxiety from time to time...especially if I feel "out-of-control" of my life.

Depressed?: I have had depression off & on since I was 15. Am I depressed right now? No not really..but when I get depressed...I'm REALLY depressed...it sucks & I try not to get that way too often if I can help it.


Tim said...

"Pictured your crush naked: Not really...would rather SEE them naked!!"

THEM?? How many do you want to see naked?! LOL

Tammy said...

LOL...hey I have to keep the options open here!!;) I do have a couple of crushes....