

Monday, August 13, 2012


This cold is seriously kicking my butt.  You think that I would have started to feel better by now...but noooooo.  I'm taking cold medicine & it seems to be barely touching it.  My nose is still plugged up...which I hate...especially when I'm trying to sleep.  I started exercising again a few days ago...but didn't yesterday...was going to this morning...but feel like crap.  I WILL exercise sometime today.  I just get tired of being sick...I have too much stuff to get done this week.  I should already be out of the house by now...that was the plan...but not working out that way.  First I'm going to eat something & have some coffee...maybe by then, I'll feel good enough to get my butt in gear & get this day started.

Dave & I talked some last night...he is going to try to move to Denver.  He's a mess without Gracie.  I don't know how she will feel about it..but hopefully they can work out whatever they need to work out.  What a change from how I used to be, huh?  He's miserable & life is too short to not be happy.  I still don't like her & never will...she's snobby...but that's just the way it is...there are some people you meet in life that you just automatically know you're not going to get along with no matter what & she's one of mine.  Anyway...he said he won't go for custody right now...that if I can "take care" of the kids, make the house payment, etc. then that's cool.  But if there ever comes a time when I can't take care of them, then he will file.  What kind of pisses me off...is he told me I had to get a job...OK...yes I KNOW I have to get a part-time job...but I don't like being told what to do & especially not by him.  He also said that I couldn't quit that job or he would file.  There seems to be a lot of ultimatums going on.  He also brought up the fact that I'm "always sick."  He asked me why I was sick all the time.  Like I have control over having pneumonia & then this stupid cold.  I have no idea why I have been so sick this Summer...I'm hoping that I will get better soon.  Just take vitamins, exercise & try to be healthier.  That's yet another thing he told me...that maybe I should exercise more so I wouldn't be sick all the time.  He has no idea what I do or don't do.  Just annoys me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Feel better!!!!
