

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I think I may actually be ready to stick to this low carb thing.  I have been half-assing it for awhile now & then getting frustrated when the scale doesn't move.  I want 275 by May 16th..that my not be logical, but I want as close to that as I can get.  I'm like 298-299 now.  Tired of being fat, feeling like crap, feeling out of control.  I took comfort in that I was at least going for walks (long ones) with Jeff.  But since getting the car, I haven't even been doing that.  Becoming quite lazy.  That needs to change as well.  


Cathy said...

I am attempting low carb, and I see really good results when I'm really good with it. I have a hard time staying away from the sugar, and then at some point in the week I cave and have some sort of carb . . . not so much bread anymore, but some other form, like pasta, potato, or pastry. I really think no/low carb is the best way to lose weight, but it's so hard!

Tammy said...

It is VERY hard to lose the stay on the low carb diet.:( I haven't been sticking to it AT ALL. So need to just get in the right mindset & do it. Just hard getting to that point sometimes.:(