

Friday, September 21, 2012


I had told Dave that he didn't want to be with ME, he just didn't want to be alone.  Told him that this didn't have anything to do with me & he kept insisting that it did.  Well he joined a dating site recently & is now talking to a girl that lives about an hour away.  Total turnaround.  He's not calling me, texting me...etc.  Am I upset about that?  Nope...just saying the he proved what I said was true.  He was willing to "settle" for me rather than be alone.  It's bullshit.

Then OK..I KNOW I'm not in high school anymore & this may sound ridiculous...but one of my best friends from then...Tracy...she is writing a couple of books.  One about prostitutes in Colorado (from the old days) & then one about all the tunnels that are under some buildings..so that mayors, businessmen. etc. could visit these prostitutes without getting caught.  She's also into paranormal stuff.  I would love to go with her on some of these things.  She does ask me to come down & go to a movie every now & then, but that's it.  She posts of FB how one friend or another & her have gone to these places for her research, etc.  She NEVER asks me to go.  I'm kind of hurt by this.  I would love to do stuff like that.  To not even get asked though...that's just messed up.

Phillip is doing better about going to school & just dealing with it for now.  So that's cool.

We had to bug bomb my place today..since it's getting colder, the spiders are coming in...YUCK!  Even thinkng about them freaks me out!LOL  I had to kill like 10-15 within the past couple of days.  Just disgusting.  So anyway, we put the indoor cat outdoors for awhile.  Well my kids about flipped out that I did that.  I wasn't too sure about it myself.  But she came back last night..even though she was a paiin in the ass to actually get IN the house.  We live kind of out in the country a bit...there was a raccoon out there that was being pretty aggressive towards Phillip when we were trying to get the kitten..yes we still call her "the kitten," even though she IS over a year old now.LOL.  Just what a person needs...a raccoon with attitude.LOL  She eventually ran off. 

I'm going to Colorado Springs for the weekend to see JM.  I was hoping to go earlier today...but had to wait & get my tires today at 1pm..since they had to order a couple of them.  So won't get down there until 5pm or so.:(  Rush hour too...so much fun!! NOT!LOL  It would be nice to be able to go down there a bit earlier, so I would have some more time with him, but oh well.  This seeing him every 3-4 weeks for a couple of days kind of sucks.  But it's better than nothing.

Do you remember Vic from the end of April?  He wouldn't text me back, call, etc?  Well now he's calling & being all friendly again.  Took him 5 MONTHS to get ahold of me...now there's relationship material for ya!LOL  JK   Oh also Arturo..the inmate that I used to go see.  I had sent him a letter early last month to see how he was doing, because he had gone up for parole & I just wanted to know how it went.  He sends me this letter back saying that he doesn't want me to hate him, but that since I hadn't written him for 2 months (I had pneumonia), that he had found someone else & that she's everything he's ever wanted.  Well considering he's been in prison since he was 18..that's not saying much.  OK, that was mean..but seriously he used that excuse??  That I hadn't written?  When he got mad at me in November 2010...he pretty much stopped writing to me for MONTHS & believe me, it was a lot longer that two.  But THAT was OK.  It doesn't even matter than he found someone else, since I have been with JM since the end of June.  The point is..he could have just said that he found someone else..maybe even written to me first & told me...but not use the excuse that it was because I hadn't written.  Take responsibility for your actions, ya know??  

1 comment:

Tim said...

I think most of the guys you've written about and have at some point disappeared have proven to you that they weren't worth it.

Sometimes men really do suck! haha