

Thursday, September 6, 2012


The more I tell Dave to back off & chill the fuck out, the worse he gets.  Won't listen to me AT ALL. 
"Tam please, I know we can be happy again."  I'm like NO!!   He just won't listen.  I told him he was bordering on stalking, he doesn't think so.  He's like "well you wouldn't leave me alone" (when he was like up in Denver with Gracie in the past)...I told him that was wrong of me...hindsight is 20/20...but that I wasn't calling and/or texting him every 5 minutes either.  Cathy..I totally agree with you that I should only meet him in public from now on if that. 

I took mom to Frisco yesterday..about 90 minutes from here.  She had to get an injection in her back.  She has had to do that every couple of years...this is only her 2nd time.  He discs aren't good & can cause her serious pain.  I hope it helps like it did last time.  It was a nice drive..the leaves are already changing up there!  Very beautiful!

Going to lunch with J today...will be nice to just hang out with her & talk some.  We don't hang out as much now that school has started.  Which is weird...think we would hang out more without the kids being around constantly!!LOL

JM & I talked some last night.  Everything is good.  I just need to stop pushing him away.  That's what it feels like I'm doing...being a bitch sometimes for no reason.  I'm afraid of losing him, yet I'm the one who is making things difficult.  I don't understand what my problem is.  We are getting along really well except for sometimes when I'm like "you don't care as much as I do," "I need more attention," etc.  Why do I need more of everything????   

1 comment:

Jules said...

I had to read back a few posts to catch up, I've been behind on reading the last few weeks. Dave sounds very insecure and freakishly stalker-ish. My best friends husband acts the same way! He wanted the divorce but when its convenient for him he wants her back, begs, lies, etc and then uses the kids against her. It's sickening. Some men are fucking crazy! Good for deciding not to meet him alone. Have you ever read "Boundaries" or "Safe People" by Dr Henry Cloud? GREAT BOOKS, they both have workbooks to go along with them too. They may be insightful about JM as well.

You deserve the best girl! Remain strong Tammy! Hugs