

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Blog Stuff

1. Have you ever met anyone through your blog that led to an in-person friendship/relationship? No..I don't have a lot of "followers" though do have people who read my blog, but never say anything..unless they're a hater.  So I really don't talk to anyone that reads my blog..with the exception of Tim.
2. Most bloggers have a specific niche. What would you discuss if it didn’t seem inappropriate on your blog? I talk about anything that I want to talk about..whether it's "inappropriate" or not.LOL  But I used to talk about sex & things a lot more than I do now.  I might get back to that eventually.  Not really sure.
3. If you could meet three bloggers, who would they be? As everyone knows by now..would definitely pick Tim from  "Fat. Boy. Thin."  Also would pick Mary G from "A Small Loss" & Cathy from "Living the Dream." 
4. If you had to choose between Facebook or Twitter which one would you choose?  I have a Twitter account, but never use it.  I don't really see the point in it?  So definitely would have to say Facebook..it's where I keep up with what's going on with people.
5. Do you vlog (video blog?) No & I wouldn't.  I don't need that kind of pressure!!LOL  I don't even use Webcam because who wants to see me "live" with an extra 100 lbs that the "camera" adds??  Ok maybe only 10 lbs..but STILL!!;)
6. How many blogs do you read on an average day?  I try to keep up as much as I can..so don't follow too many blogs right now.  I try to read about 5-6...a few more on Mondays..for FMM.
7. What is the coolest thing that you’ve seen online recently? Pinterest!!:)
8. If you gave your blog a new name what would it be? I really haven't thought about it.  The title now seems to pretty much sum it all up.
9. Have you ever attended a blog conference like Fitbloggin? If not, would you?I haven't, but would be willing to.  Might be interesting..hell I had never even heard of it until now!LOL
10. In the past I have asked why you blog. Now I want to know why you read blogs? What do you take from it?  I read blogs, because basically I'm nosey...JK.  I read them because they are somebodys' story & if they are writing it & putting it out there for us to read..then I think that they deserve to have it read, commented on, talked about.  I like getting to know people thru their blogs & some of them help me thru whatever I may be going thru.

Now it’s your turn to fill out this week’s questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday!


Tim said...

I'd love to meet you too! It would be awesome! :)

Cathy said...

I completely read blogs because I'm nosy. :-)

I read this post this morning and was going to comment on it, but now (that I have time) I can't remember what I was going to say. . .

Oh yeah, I was going to apologize for not commenting more. :-) I don't always read my blogs everyday so usually I'm trying to get through them all and then when I have time I forget to go back and comment. (Sounds like today.) ;-)

Mary said...

I love meeting up with blog friends :) it's always funny, that we know so much about each other already from reading each other's stories!