

Monday, September 24, 2012


OK..I have had enough of excuses..of believing that I'm just meant to be fat.  Tired of not fitting into clothes that I want to fit into.  Tired of being the fattest mom at my kids' school activities, tired of being too damn tired to do anything.  Tired of being depressed, lazy...just "blah."  So today I start kicking ass as far as the weight is concerned.  I weighed in at 312 the other day..NOT acceptable.  So no carbs...and A LOT more exercise, water, etc.  Wish me luck.  I have a hard time sticking to this kind of thing..as everyone knows!!LOL

Weekend went good.  Just hung out, watched a couple of movies, talked.  He told me how much he loves me.  But I can tell you this, he's just not all that into sex...I'm hoping that will change.  We'll see.  I know sex isn't everything, but it's definitely SOMETHING.LOL 

We don't have "the kitten" as we have called her for over a year now. :(  While I was out of town..Justine (my niece who gave her to us in the first place, found another home for her).  I had asked her to do that months ago..but I didn't think anything of it..since she hadn't done anything about it.  Then she just comes in & takes her.:(  I'm sad...makes me feel a bit sick actually.  I didn't even get to say good-bye.;(  People who own pets will understand.  The boys are doing OK with it..though Matthew is a bit sad. 


Cathy said...

You can do it. It's hard, especially at first, but you can do it! It takes willpower, which is something I've always lacked, but start small, start with an extra activity or cutting out something in your diet. If you do it all at once (in my opinion) it's more likely that you'll give up. And if you mess up, don't worry about it, just go back to your plan. =)

I know, easier said than done. I've been stuck at the same weight for a couple months now.

Flora said...

Good luck with your fresh start!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I'm so sorry...I do get it. I had a cat and they took her from me. Everyone in the family has cried over her...hugs

Tim said...

He isn't that into sex?! Is he crazy! haha.

Good luck with the change of approach regarding losing weight. Try not to cut out too much carbs though, they're important! Maybe try and limit them if you think you eat too much. Drink water, exercise as much as you can - even if it's just 20-30mins a day of walking or whatever.

You can do this!