

Saturday, September 8, 2012


OK....I don't think I'm supposed to write a blog entry today!!  Seriously..I have started on this twice..actually finished it once...then it erased itself both times!  I'm getting annoyed.LOL  So let's try this AGAIN. 

Jules, thank you for your comment.:)  I will definitely look into reading the books that you mentioned.:)  I need all the help I can get!!LOL

It's beautiful out today!  The Homecoming Football Game is today at 1.  I may go to it with J & the kids.  They have a new high school here now & a new football field, so will be nice to see it.  Dave is taking Matthew..so I'm sure he will sit by us.  I have told him repeatedly that it's not going to work.  He texted me some last night, wanting me to think about getting back together.  I said something like "Been there, done that, won't do it again.  I want to be happy & that won't happen with you."  I hate being so mean, but he just doesn't get that he just can't come back.  Too much has happened in the past 3 years.  Too much has been said.  He wouldn't be happy with me either.  He's just willing to settle for me, so he won't be alone.  I don't want to be in a "realtionship" like that.

JM called me last night & again this morning...:)  I mention this, because this is different behavior for him.  I love it, but am not used to it.  We talked for over an hour each time, which was nice.  So all is going good.  I try not to need so much attention..some days are easier than others.  Just have to let life take you where you're supposed to be...which isn't always easy for me to give up that control.  But I'm working on it. 

My jeep is dead.:(  It had been acting weird for awhile now..like the battery was going to go out.  I had to go to Safeway yesterday & it wouldn't start when I came out, so that's where it is now.:(  My step-dad came down to start my jeep yesterday & it wouldn't do anything.   Dave took it upon himself & somebody from Auto Zone, to take my alternator out last night so they could test it today.  I hope that it's nothing too serious or too expensive.  I was just getting ready to shell out $500 for the tires...good thing I waited, I guess.  One of my friends is loaning me a decent amount of money to get caught up on a lot of things, plus get the tires.  I'm sooo thankful for that & grateful.  Then I will just pay her back every month until it's paid up.  She is being a life saver.  I know that I have gotten myself into my own mess...but will now get out of it & stay out of it. 

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