

Sunday, July 29, 2012


The yardsale went OK..didn't make a whole lot..but then again, didn't have a whole lot out.  I know that having it on a Saturday would be better.  Daves' sister is having one towards the middle of August and she said that I could bring some stuff down there for that..so I might do that.  I do know that I will be getting all the junk out of my house in the month of August..well starting tomorrow actually.  I just want a clean house. 

I was thinking about stopping blogging...I kinda came here for me...to vent, record events of my life, etc.  But now I just feel like I'm being judged.  That I need to censor the things that I talk about or say.  So not really sure what I'm doing yet.

I had a great time with JM!  It's totally different than anything with any other guy.  He actually likes to cuddle, watch movies, talk, just hang out.  I won't get to see him for another month though..which sucks..but will just have to deal with it.  My birthday is at the end of August and he rented a cabin for the weekend.  Thought that was really cool of him to do for me!:)  I look forward to it.  He is from Seattle..and him and his mom have to go back there sometime next month to get some more of their stuff out of storage.  He moved out here last year and his mom moved out here a few months ago.  I've only met her once, but she seems cool.  I will TRY not to obsess like I usually do about him and everything else.  Seems the more stressed out I get in my life...the worse the obsessive thoughts become.  After I get paid, I need to go back on my antidepressants...maybe that will help some.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I hope you don't stop blogging, I love your blog and I love your honesty.

People will always judge, whether on here or in everyday life. The important thing is for you to be yourself. If they don't like it then screw them! It's their problem, not yours!