

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I know that by letting "anyone" post comments...I'm just asking for abuse.LOL  But really?  If you don't like reading my blog and what I have to say...don't read it.  To "anonymous" who told me to "get a life.." ummmmm.....YOU'RE the one reading other peoples' blogs.  So...I could say the same for you...GET A LIFE.  I can talk about whatever the hell I want on my blog.  Freedom of speech and all...it's not that kind of country yet.  I wonder if you live in the States...though you might live in one of the countries where you get shot for voicing your opinion.  But I seriously doubt that...since you freely voice your opinion here.  I think that you're a coward because you have to post anonymously.  Got something to say...say it to my face bitch..would be the correct response to give you....girl or guy..you're still a bitch in my eyes.  You're the kind of person who talks shit behind someone elses' back, but won't say it to their face.  I actually feel sorry for your friends and family.  They have to put up with you being two-faced on a regular basis, I'm sure.  OK!  Now THAT'S out of my system....make yourself known or shut the hell up.

Yes I obsess...A LOT.  I will get over it.  I always do.  Not just about guys..about everything under the sun.  I have always been this way and will most likely always be this way.  If you don't like it...stop reading my blog...simple as that.  I say what I'm going to say.  Am I insecure?  Hell yeah I am...most of the time.  Not as bad as I used to be, but still am.  Do I bitch, nag, complain, wallow in self pity, be negative?  Hell yeah I do...but not all of the time.  Show me one person that is happy all the time....wait that might be our anonymous commenter.   I don't take criticism well and I can be a total bitch when someone is being rude to me or acting like they are better than everyone else...OK..guess I wasn't totally over it in my last paragraph.LOL

For those of you who want to keep reading...please do so...everyone else...YOU HAVE IT IN YOUR POWER TO STOP READING MY BLOG. 

I'm having a small yardsale in the morning...then heading to Colorado Springs tomorrow afternoon for the weekend.  Yes, going to hang out with JM.  Even if nothing comes of it..we're still cool as friends and don't run out of things to talk about. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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