

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Can't believe that I'm up 4 lbs from last week.:(  Totally gross.  Anyway..on the bright side...I have pretty much stayed the same weight for the past 5 months or so.   My reunion is the weekend of June 16th (as I've probably said too many times already!!)LOL   I want to lose AT LEAST 21 lbs by then..would put me at 295.  At least I would be below 300.  I figure I need to lose at least 5 lbs a week from here til then.  I'm hoping that it won't be as hard as it sounds.LOL  I exercised today for an hour..now just trying to eat once every 3-4 hrs...maybe that will help.  We shall see.

I have a lot to get done today and probably shouldn't be on here right now...but things can wait a little while longer.  We're going to Denver tomorrow for the weekend for the boys' bowling tournament.  I prefer to think positively (I know..a rare thing for me!!)LOL  and believe that it will be a good weekend even with Gracie around.  So I still have packing to do and some errands to run.  Will be back sometime on Sunday and will let you know how it goes.

Found out that my sister, Bev, will be getting married by Elvis in Vegas in August 2013.:)  That's cool.  One of my best friends did that a couple of years ago.  I went and loved it.  I was planning on going back to Vegas in July 2013, so will see if my sister minds me being there or not, then will just change it to August if she doesn't.  I don't know for sure if she just wants her, her fiancee and daughters there or not.  I know that I will NOT do anything important in August ever again.  It used to be my fave month..guess it still is..but too much has gone on that month.  My birthday is August 31st..so that's a good thing.:)  But Dave & I got married that month in 1997 (23rd), bought our first house in 2002 (14th), he told me he was leaving me in 2009 (7th),  he moved out in 2009 (17th), told me for sure that he chose Gracie over me in 2009 (23rd...yep on our 12th wedding anniversary..thought that was nice of him).  Plus both of his parents died that month.  His mom in 2000 (19th) and his dad in 2008 (11th), which is Daves' birthday as well.  So not the best month really.  I don't know if I'll ever get married again..but if I do, think I would like an October wedding.  Love the leaves changing and all.  But, then again, a wedding on a beach in Mexico sounds nice too.:)  At sunset.  OK...enough of the daydreaming.LOL 

Also..is it too hard to read my blog with the font I'm using?  If so, let me know and I will change it.:)

1 comment:

Tim said...

Wedding on a beach in Mexico....that's what I'm looking forward to in November! Cannot wait!

Only in Vegas can you get away with an Elvis wedding!! I guess the whole place is pure showbiz!