

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm happy to report that I'm down another pound.:)  Though I wish I was down another 5...I know, I know...I didn't gain it all in a week.LOL  Just have never had much patience.  But I'm very happy to   see a loss.  I have decided to mostly just work out 4 days a week for now as I was getting burned out doing it every day.  Though I will try to do at least something physical every day.  So workout out days will be Thursday-Sunday & weigh ins will continue to be on Wednesdays. 

It's cold out today...though I guess I should expect that since it IS the end of November!!  But we have had really nice weather here until the past few days.  Even now, it's sunny out.  This is Colorado...yet we haven't gotten any snow yet this season...the ski area hasn't been able to open yet.  It's pretty crazy.  I don't want a ton of snow, but some would be nice. 

I'm looking forward to going to Colorado Springs on the 12th to do some shopping & maybe catch a movie or two.  I figure I will get a room for the night & come back the 13th.  I'm hoping that the weather will be decent for that.  Will I see JM while I'm there?  Who knows.  Guess that's on him.  I need to get used to doing things & going places by myself again.  Then I also look on forward to shopping on-line some next week (after I get paid)...I LOVE Amazon.com...but need to be careful I don't blow a lot of money.LOL 

Phillip is home sick again today...was up most of the night.  I will be getting a letter from the school soon I'm sure.  If they miss 10 days or more during a semester..you have to go before a board or somehing.  I believe that this is his 10th day.  I get frustrated with him sometimes.  I know that some of the days, he's actually been sick...but other days...well I wasn't born yesterday.  Plus I used to do the same thing when I was in school...though we didn't get in trouble for it back then like they do now.  I graduated, so I don't know what the issue is.  Though I know he doesn't try hard enough.  He can do the work, I think that he just chooses not to.:(

1 comment:

Tim said...

Congratulations on the loss! I'm one of the least patient people on earth, so I know how frustrating it is only seeing small losses, but believe me, it's the best way to pretty much guarantee your body gets used to the changes and you'll less likely put it back on again.

Keep doing what you're doing. You're heading in the right direction!!