

Monday, November 5, 2012


OK I haven't been eating that much & I have been exercising for 40-50 minutes every day..yet I have gained liked 5 lbs!!!  I know that muscle weighs more than fat...but I don't know if that's it or if I'm just gaining weight even though I'm exercising.  I really thought that I would see a loss.  It's discouraging.  Just want to say "fuck it," but I won't.  Have to lose sometime, right? 



Unknown said...

You might not be eating enough. If your body doesn't get enough calories it thinks it's starving and slows down your metabolism in order to hold on to as many nutrients as possible.

April said...

I'm weight training to slim down and tone, so I'm eating in a way that complements what I'm doing. I'm eating a normal amount of calories, but just doing high-protein meals with more veggies and far fewer carbs and sugars. No soda, no chips, no sweets (except dark chocolate for cravings), no breakfast cereal and a lot less pasta. For carbs, I eat brown rice and potatoes. The only liquids I drink are water, 3 cups of milk and 1 cup of fruit juice per day. If I have pizza, I eat just two slices, then fill up on raw or steamed veggies. I've been doing this diet for 10 days, and the fat is just melting off. Try it and see if it works for you.

Tammy said...

I definitely need to do more high protein instead of a bunch of carbs. Do you know if those protein bars are any good (not taste-wise) for weight loss? I have Atkins shakes every now & then. Low carb usually works for me..but it's hard for me to stick to..especially at night. Do you have problems with eating at night? Thank you for the advice.:)

April said...

One bar that I know of that's high in protein is the Clif bar. And I think they're pretty tasty. But you shouldn't make a habit of eating bars in place of meals. Your body needs a variety of real foods and nutrients to feel satisfied. So while they can help in your weight loss by offering a filling snack when you need one, they won't necessarily give you a big edge or speed things along. You can lose weight just fine without them. Foods that are high in protein: any meat, tuna, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts and some grains (quinoa). Eat these instead of manufactured foods.

I know carb cravings hit stronger at night, and they can be a pain. One trick to distinguish between hunger and a craving is to ask yourself this: would I be just as happy eating a piece of chicken or some carrot sticks right now? If the answer is no, you're not hungry and shouldn't eat. But if you can't control the urge, either limit yourself to just a couple of bites of the craved food or reach for some fruit or veggies instead. Your body is going to fight you for a little while because your brain is addicted to those carbs. You'll literally feel like you're going through withdrawals. But if you can fight them off long enough, you'll win the battle. Good luck!