

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Can ya believe that it's the middle of November already???  It's crazy.  I worked at Wal-Mart Monday & Tuesday this week...then I work every day starting today thru next Saturday..except for Tuesday off.  I forgot how hard it is on your back & feet standing up there for hours!!  Of course, the extra weight doesn't help any.  I hate the thought of having to go to work, but after I get there, I'm fine with it.  Just hate it when you get grumpy or impatient people coming thru.  I understand people don't like standing in line...but give the cashiers a little bit of a break.  Unless they are just talking to someone & being slow because of it, then I understand.  Some customers talk & talk & talk some more...I'm like "the people behind you are going to get pretty pissed in a second." LOL   Like I predicted, I don't have a weekend off for awhile. 

JM & I still talk & text some....but it's pretty much the same as it has been.  So won't bore anyone with all the details.

Joannie & I are at least talking now.  Went with her & her mom to Cripple Creek to gamble some on the 11th.  I don't really want to talk about it.:(  Let's just say that I spent a lot of money that I shouldn't have.  I even won a lot of money & blew that too.  I just really need to stay away from gambling totally.  I haven't been going to Bingo either.,.which is a bit hard for me, but I'm managing.

The weather has been really nice here...kinda weird for November.  I know the ski area hasn't gotten much snow, so not sure when they're going to open.

I took the boys to see the new "Twilight" movie last night...Joannie & her kids went too.  It wasn't bad.  They put a bit of a twist in there...which I thought was interesting.LOL  I mostly watch it for the hot guys.;) 

My heater had gone out, so I had to use space heaters for awhile, but I was able to get it fixed.  I don't have to pay for it, which is good.  Or if I do, it won't be a ton of money, since I went thru "LEAP."

Had parent/teacher conferences for Matthew on the 15th.  He's doing pretty good.  He has to work on the not talking thing when he's supposed to be listening & also to read a bit more slowly so he understands what he's reading.

I've still been exercising & trying to eat a bit better.  I feel better after I exercise.  It's just starting in the first place.:)

Did I tell you that the inmate I used to write to & go visit, Arturo, got paroled last month?  Not sure if I did or not.  After everything, it pisses me off that he couldn't even contact me to say hi.  But what do you expect from an inmate, right?  Yes I know I shouldn't "lump" them all together...but it annoys me.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Great news that Matthew is doing pretty good! I remember I used to get similar feedback from school. If I spent more time listening and less time talking, I'd actually get more work done! To be honest, I'm still exactly the same now :)