

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Things are going pretty well.  Can't really complain.  I have been working a lot.  I don't have another day off until next Wednesday.  I worked tonight until 10:00pm.  It was pretty busy since it's the night before Thanksgiving.  We are having dinner at my moms' tomorrow around noon.  I have to work tomorrow night from 7:30pm-11:30pm...should be pretty busy since that's when the sales start.  It will be nice to be able to spend the day with my family.  My sister, Bev & her fiancee, Carlo will be there along with her two daughters.  Then me & my 3 boys, mom & my step-dad & a couple of other people.  My niece Justine & her boyfriend, Andy are supposed to be there as well...but who knows if they will show up or not. 

Things are going pretty well with the exercise & diet thing.  It's easier not to overeat when I'm working.  I had worked at Wal Mart before from October 2004-April 2006.  After I had stopped working there, I had gained like 75 lbs!!  Kept that on for a few years...still trying to lose the rest of THAT & then go from there.  I have found that exercise is becoming more of a habit now...which is good.  I just need to keep it up.

Phillip probably needs glasses.  I need to get him in to see an eye doctor soon.  He was squinting at school last week, trying to see something & the teacher noticed.  So she wanted him to see the school nurse, which he did yesterday.  She called me & told me that in one eye his vision is 20/50 & in the other it's 20/63!  So yeah...I had better get him in & get them checked.  Probably why he has headaches a lot of the time.  He likes to read.  Also should get his blood sugar checked.  Diabetes runs in both sides of the family.  When I told Dave about Phillips' eyes...yes he was concerned, but then he had to piss me off by saying "that's just going to cost me more money now for glasses."  Whatever.  Tired of him bitching about things like that.  It's not like he pays for a lot of their stuff now.  Phillip is having issues with Dave because Christy is always around now.  Phillip just wants to spend time with Dave without her constantly being there.  But I'm going to leave that between them.  I'm tired of dealing with Dave & all the friggin' drama.

JM & I are doing OK...just taking it one day at a time.  I don't know if it will really go anywhere, but having him in my life makes me happy.  Whether it's as a friend or more...it doesn't really matter right now.  I would like more with him, but I just don't see that happening.  So will just "go with the flow" & not worry about the rest of it.  I WOULD like some passion & all that good stuff in my life at least one more time in this life...so will just hope that happens one of these days.

Hope everyone one has a very Happy Thanksgiving!:)

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