

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sorry it took me awhile to get back here! Hope all is well for everyone. Mom is doing good.:) The CAT scan was wrong to an extent. She DOES have one artery that is blocked 50%, but it is treatable with medicine and her stopping smoking. So they didn't have to put a stent in or do a bypass!!:) They will do surgery on her torn rotator cuff after she stops smoking for at least 3 months, I believe. It hurts her a lot and she can't do much with her right arm. She really is trying to stop smoking, but it's been hard for her. She's been smoking for years.

Arturo and I are talking a bit more now..which I really like. He calls when he can. Not sure where things will go, but we'll see.

I haven't seen Big Mike since the day before Valentine's Day. He keeps texting me to go up and see him, but I know he wants to mess around and I don't feel right doing that when he has a gf. I don't understand guys sometimes. If you want to mess around, why be in a relationship at all?
He's a good guy basically, so I hope that he figures out what he wants.

I've been talking to a guy in Colorado Springs named Keith. Just texting mostly. I did see him briefly the day mom got out of the hospital (Feb 21st)..he was working, but he wanted me to come by and came out to talk to me for a few minutes. They were busy though, so it wasn't long. I'm hoping to go down there the weekend of the 11th to see him. I like having guy friends...just easier for me to talk to them for some reason.

My old bf from Job Corps, Bruce..we have been talking. I haven't seen him in almost 22 years!! He was my first love. He lives in Alaska now...so a long way from me. He wants me to come up for a week in July. It would be nice, but don't know if it will happen or not. It would be awesome to see him again. This is the first time in all these years that we have both been single at the same time. He sent me a gift for Valentine's Day. A huge stuffed frog!LOL It's so cute.

Went to Cripple Creek to go gambling on Sunday...went with my bff, Joannie and her mom and two sisters. Had fun..but came back broke. I only took $80 anyway. Get this...the night before we left...I accidentally left my wallet out in my jeep. I stayed at moms', so it was parked at her house. I went out the next morning to get my wallet and noticed before I even opened the door that the middle console was up and I hadn't left it that way.:( Yep, my wallet was gone. $80 (I had to borrow from mom to go to Cripple Creek), my credit cards...one that my child support comes in on and another one that my social security comes in on, my drivers' license, my social security card.:( I had to cancel everything. It still freaks me out that they have my SS# and home address though. So I can't get any of my money now until the new cards get here..so I'm totally broke until probably the middle of the month.:( I hope that he/she needed that money more than I did...karma is a bitch.

I've been doing so-so on my diet. Just not real great. Gained a few pounds and then lost them again. I have found that I have to weigh every day or at least every other day just to keep myself focused. Otherwise, I can fool myself into thinking that I'm not doing that bad, but then get on the scale a week later and find that I have gained 6 lbs or something.

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