

Friday, March 4, 2011


Well ex went to Denver again to see his gf. I wonder when the hurt will stop? I thought it would have by now. They are sooo damn happy.:( I hope that I get that again someday and have someone really love me as much as I love them. But I don't know if that's in the cards anymore. So need to learn to start standing on my own and doing things on my own. So letting go and moving on....though I'm sure there will still be "those" days.

I'm getting back into exercising today and watching what I eat. I need to get back in control. Not going to throw all the hard work I've put in already away. I just need too snap out of it and get moving. Figure out what I want to do with my life and do it.

Went to lunch with one of my bffs' yesterday. We live in the same town but haven't seen each other since last July in Vegas at her wedding! How pathetic is that?! Have to make more of an effort to hang out. Her name is Tracy. This is her 2nd marriage and she seems really happy. She is pregnant and due in September. She has two older kids ages 14 and 12. So she wants two more with her new hubby.:) I don't think I could do it all again! I give her credit. He doesn't have any biological kids of his own yet. Their last name is Beach. If it's a boy, it will be "Daytona" and a girl will be "Treasure." Pretty cool if you ask me!!LOL I don't like "common, plain" names.

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