

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It's supposed to start snowing later today & last until Thursday...with 8-12 inches of snow...that is sooo weird for us!  We used to get a lot of snow here in my small town in Colorado...but the past few years, we just haven't.  Guess it's time for it though.  The highs are only supposed to be in the teens & 20's for the next week or so.  I hate it being that cold.:(  Luckily after I work today, I don't work again until Saturday.  My mom can't come out when it's that cold. She has Raynaud's Syndrome.  So cold is NOT a good thing for her.  Even with gloves & heavy socks on...that doesn't always help.  I sooo need a car.  Will just keep hoping.  I have changed my mind on the gofundme.com page.  I will get a car eventually in one way or another, but my mom is having a lot of financial difficulties right now...that on top of missing my step-dad.  I don't think that she should have to worry about so much stuff right now.  It's not fair or right.  No, nobody ever said that life was fair...but damn.   So if I could get help in lessening her burden any, then that's what I want to do.

I worked from 10:30am-6:30pm yesterday.  I was hoping to get done early, because I felt like crap.  But they already had people call in & we were busy.  So I got to stay.  Wasn't an easy day.  I was nauseous as hell most of the time.  Just felt like crap.  I THINK I feel better today...seems to be right now anyway.  I only work from 9:30am-2:00pm today, so that's cool.  Then I have to shop for food after that.  I finally have some money today.  Not sure when I can get to the store again...though I'm hoping to be able to go on Thursday or Friday.  The people who worked on Thanksgiving, get a 25% discount on anything in the store on those two days...so I'm buying big.  Well at least a little big.LOL  There are some electronics that my kids wanted for Christmas...so will see about getting those then.

I have been trying to go thru boxes of pictures that I have been neglecting for years...writing on the back of them so people know who are in them, etc.  Very time consuming!  I would like to eventually get them all in albums...but that won't be for awhile.  I still have quite a few to go thru...and they are in the living room at the moment.  So will work on those for the next few days.  Would like to get our Christmas tree up in a week or so.  Jeff wants a real one, so that's what we're aiming for.  I also need a couch....I have been putting that off for the past 6 months...now just feel that it's time.  Will be a pain in the butt though getting it & finding help to get it to our upstairs apartment & everything...especially since it's going to be so cold & there will be snow on the ground.  But we'll manage.

Well....off to get ready for work.  I hope you're having a good day.:)

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