

Monday, December 2, 2013


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

 Unforgettable Moments
1. Share the details of your first kiss.  My first kiss....guess this doesn't mean the one in 2nd grade when Brian & I had no idea what we were doing?LOL  Regrettably it was with a guy name George.  He was a player & I wish I would have waited to have my first kiss with someone I actually cared about & who cared about me.

2. Did you put your foot in your mouth in 2013? If so, tell us about it.  I can't think of any.....

3. Share the story of one of your most embarrassing moments.  When I was in high school...I used to be really shy & insecure.  When I walked down the hall, I would always look at the floor.  One day...for some reason, I wasn't....that was when one of the Seniors (I was a Freshman) stuck his foot out & tripped me.  Needless to say...it was mortifying!  I fell...books went everywhere...a teacher was there asking if I was OK...NOT one of my best moments.

4. Tell us what it was like when you traveled outside of your home state or country for the first time.  I was 12 & got to go to Disney Land with my friend & her family...we drove there...so I thought it was the coolest thing to go thru different states & see different things...Utah, Nevada, California....then Arizona & New Mexico on the way back.  I had an amazing time!  I give credit to my friends' aunt & uncle for taking 4 pre-teen girls on a trip like that!!LOL

5. Share something that forced you outside of your comfort zone in 2013.  My step-dad died.  I don't like change.  Don't like losing people that I love, don't like people being sick & knowing there's nothing you can do about it.  It forced me to deal with something that I don't even like thinking about.  I'm still out of my comfort zone.

6. Tell us about a gift that you received that meant a lot to you.  I just received a gift from Jeff that means a lot.  Totally took me by surprise.  It's a Christmas ornament in the shape of a skeleton key (which I love).  The top part of it is in the shape of a heart.  It says on the side of the key "Our first Christmas together in our new home" & he had them put 2013 on there.  I love it!  I will share a pic later.

7. Share the details of the best date that you’ve been on in the last year.  I haven't been on a date in the past year.:(

8.  Describe one beautiful moment that was not captured by a photo.  There are a lot of beautiful moments that aren't captured on camera.  I can't name just one.  The first snowfall was pretty amazing!  Jeff & I walking over a mile to 7-11 to get a drink at midnight in the cold & walking on icy roads was pretty amazing too.:)

9.  Share one important thing that you hope to accomplish before the end of the year.  It's only a few weeks away....so I wish to accomplish getting all of my Christmas cards out before then!!  Anyone want one....let me know.:)

10.  Tell us about one defining moment of 2013.  Ummmm....I got to move into a new apartment in June/July.  I don't know if that's a defining moment or not.  Oh...in July Jeff & I had a HUGE fight.  He was in Scotland, so it's not like we could just talk it out.  He decided that we needed to take a week or two & decide if we should stay together or go our separate ways.  We decided that it was worth working out...so here we are.  I believe that was a defining moment.

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