

Sunday, December 22, 2013


On Friday night, I was in serious pain.   It was the period cramps x 100.  Then it was just my whole stomach hurting.  Throwing up, etc.  Yuck, I know.  Woke up yesterday & hurt some, but went to watch the boys bowl.  I had my mom take me to the ER after that...so at noon.  They were a little busy when I got there, but not too bad.  This is a small town, so they usually see you pretty fast.  Well after they got me into a room, everything got a bit crazy.  Guess a lot of people didn't feel good yesterday or broke bones.  I was in the room for 2 hours before I saw a doctor.  He said I would need to do a urine sample & have some blood tests done.  That was at 2:00pm.  They came in to take the blood & everything at 3:15pm.  He said it would take 45 minutes for the results.  They came in with the results at 5:15pm.  During this time, they had given me an IV with a pain medication called Toradol.  It helped a little with the pain, but pretty much just made me tired.  I was hurting again by the time they came back in at 5:15pm.  He said that my white cell count was a bit high.  So I have an infection somewhere in my body.  He wants me to call the hospital in the morning & make an appointment for a pelvic ultrasound to see if anything is going on there...ovarian cysts, etc.  He gave me a Vicodin for the pain, plus a prescription for a few more.  Well....I only took that one & it pretty much made me not feel good.  Nauseous...though it DID help with the pain.  So not sure if I will get the prescription filled or not.  I was supposed to work last night, but couldn't.  I have to work this morning & for the next two days.  Not sure if I'm going to go in though.  Still hurting some.  After I had left the hospital, I wondered that since I have an infection in my body...why didn't they give me some antibiotics?  So hopefully it doesn't get worse before they figure out what's going on.  I was planning on taking a "break" from work after the first of the year...at least for a couple of months.  For a couple of reasons.  One is that I don't want mom to have to continue to come get me & take me to work & then pick me up all the time.  Another is that I just need to focus on my health & try to get better.  I don't want to quit & I don't want to get fired.  But since I missed the last couple of Saturdays & may miss more if they want to do the ultrasound tomorrow or Tuesday....I may end up getting fired.  I work at Wal Mart & Christmas is Wednesday....sooooo.   But I can't help being sick.  So instead of waiting until after the 1st of the year, I may be done working already.  I was going to try to go in today...but just hurting.  I hate calling in....you know they aren't happy about it.  Some people continue to work even if they're really sick & they just get worse.  I got a copy of all of my blood results & there is one thing that is low...short is "neut."  So I looked it up.  It's basically a white cell that helps fight off infection..."normal" is 42 & above & mine is 37.  So not only do I have an infection my white cells are trying to fight off (that's why the white cell count is high), but some of the white cells aren't up to par & doing their job.  I looked it up on the Internet...which isn't always a good idea...but at least I have more information.  With that one being low, I'm more susceptible to getting sick....so working at Wal Mart wouldn't be the best idea right now.  Just feel guilty as hell for not working. 

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