

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I plan on going to Denver this weekend to meet Ron for the first time. I'm excited and nervous. But then I have conflicting emotions as well. I really like Ron, but I'm supposed to go to Alaska in July to see Bruce. That's on my bucket list definitely. Unfinished business. I hope my jeep makes it to Denver!! It always worries me when I go somewhere by myself that something crazy like breaking down in the middle of nowhere is going to happen.:( I have to be careful with my money though. I'm not sure if I'm going to Vegas or not on the 18th..I may be able to swing it. I need to talk to Chris today and see what he wants to do. I want to go, but I'm concerned about having money for the rest of the month. It's hard for me to budget..especially since I can't seem to stop gambling.:( I'm going to have to get help somewhere. I definitely need it. I thought I could stop on my own, but it's not looking too good.

I also plan on going to the birthday party in Colorado Springs on Saturday night.:) It should be fun.

My ex isn't on my facebook page...but he is on my sons'. So I can look at his page from there and also his gf's. I know that may be weird.LOL It's nothing major, but it's all "I love you," "Can't wait to see you," etc. etc. He has her in his relationship status. We have some of the same friends. So while he's putting all this lovey dovey crap on his...here I am saying basically that I miss him, dedicated a song to two to him, etc. Pretty much looking like an idiot. Think any of our mutual "friends" would give me a heads up?? Nope. At least then, I would have known to keep my mouth shut and not look like a fool for not being able to get over it yet.:( So I put a post up basically saying thanks for nothing...I removed it awhile ago though...it was a bit harsh. Just kind of pisses me off that nobody said anything to me, ya know? I would rather know than not know. Then on one of her posts..she was talking about someone else and she said something about karma biting someone in the ass. I'm thinking to myself "yeah like YOU need to be talking about karma!!"LOL

As for the diet....I have been HORRIBLE the past week. Maybe not that long, but close to it. I haven't been exercising and have been eating a lot of crap that I shouldn't be. I need to get back in the swing of things. I REFUSE to gain all the weight back that I have lost.

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