

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have a hard time thinking of 'titles!'lol Ok, this is the end of Day 5 of low carb..woo hoo! Proud of myself for making it this far. Have lost 5 lbs. I will weigh in the morning again. I was/am hoping that I will lose another 3 at least by Monday. Today is one of the harder days on the low carb front. I was sooo hungry it seemed...just don't have a lot of money right now to buy groceries or anything...let alone low carb thing. So just pretty much existing on eggs, string cheese, radishes, green beans, peanuts, sausage..oh and had some Spam tonight. I need more variety, but that will have to wait. I have a bit more energy and feel better..but still think about food a lot and probably always will.

My computer turned off the other night..even though it was plugged in. So took the cord in and found that it was totally dead...so he sold me a used one for $15. A new one, after ordering it and all would have cost like $50, so this is fine for now. At least I can be on the computer..which, of course, is all important!LOL

I have stayed off the gambling site. I try not to even THINK about it. I called the bank about my debit card as well to see if I had any money in there..which I didn't...no surprise. BUT I had used $20 off of there one time on that site. Well I THOUGHT it was a secured site. Obviously NOT. I'm glad I didn't have any more money in my account. A few hours after I used my card, 2-3 other place (or same place?) tried to take MORE money out that I didn't even authorize!! So they cancelled my card and issued me another one. So be careful when using a card on-line! One of my friends...someone who I didn't even think would help me, gave me some money and I'll pay her back on the 3rd. I'm very grateful for the help. I just gave the money to mom, so I'm still broke. Oh well. I don't think she told my step-dad, if she did, he didn't say anything or act any different.

Guess who called me tonight??? Arturo!! WTF is all I have to say. Well not really, but that was my first thought!LOL He just wanted to see how I was doing, that he hadn't forgotten about me, that he's just tired of letting people down by not getting out when he says he might. This is his 5th year up for parole. I hope that he DOES get out. I believe that he has served his time. He's just really depressed and nervous about it. I don't really know what to tell him. I told him that I would be here for him always. I just don't think that I can ever totally trust him again. As I see it, he bailed on me big time. The last time he called was March 20th and like I wrote, he pretty much blamed a lot of things on me. I still love him and miss him. Part of me is angry that he even called me. Another part is happy. Why call when I was trying to get past it? I don't know. I just hope that he gets all that he wants from now on. He's a good person...OK I KNOW he's a prisoner..but SOME of them CAN change and deserve a second chance. He said that he would try to call around his birthday which is May 6th. I DO feel a bit bad for him. His dad was seeing him pretty regularly, but then he met someone and pretty much disappeared from Arturo's life. Writes every now and then..but not often. He used to send him money for things and now he doesn't. I don't think that's right, but whatever.

Ron and I are doing OK. Just going slow. I'm not sure if Arturo thought that I would wait around for him after he told me pretty much that he didn't want me in his life..that's how I took it. I was perfectly willing to wait for him until he started acting like a jerk.

Got our new phones today..I'm on my step-dads' plan. It's a bit hard getting used to, but glad I have a new one! My old one had had it.

I'm still nervous about everything going "right" when I leave for Vegas on Monday, but I'm excited too. Will just have to "go with the flow" and not worry so much.

My mom and step-dad went to Grand Junction today (4 hrs away) to see my youngest sister and her baby. Jasmine will be 8 months old on the 26th. I've never seen her.:( Maybe one of these days.

My other sisters' daughter, Taylor, turned 13 yesterday!!!


timothy said...

glad you're tryin the low carb thing hon it worked great for me. not gonna comment on the other stuff other than to say you have to love yourself unconditionally and that includes surrounding yourself with people who love you too! you deserve to be happy/

Megan said...

great to hear that you've stuck with the low carb thing for a bit! how has the last few days been with that?