

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well I didn't handle it well again..why can't I just let him go? I still have a lot of hurt and anger. How do I let that go? I know that I need to stay away from him..that I can't be friends with him at all. But how do I do that?? I guess it's just hard for me knowing that he's in love with someone else. That we somehow lost what we had. How do I let go of my best friend?? I know that time will help....but it's been enough time dammit and I'm over feeling like this. I thought I was past it all and now here I go again. How can I move on with anyone else when I can't get over him? I have to deal with how I feel..all of the emotional crap..then also have to try to help my kids thru it all as well. It's tiring and overwhelming at times. I know that I'm not the only person in the world going thru this..I know my kids aren't the only kids going thru it. It's just hard. My dad did the same thing. Maybe I never dealt with that, so that's part of the anger. I don't know. My dad has passed away, so I can't talk to him and resolve anything.

As far as the low carb thing...today was a decent day. I need to start exercising tomorrow and do it every day until I leave for Vegas. I guess I'm going to put an ad in the paper this week to see if I can get a ride to Denver and back. I feel weird doing that and going with someone I probably don't know...but I have to get there somehow.

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