

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Well the visit with JM didn't go that great.  First...I was planning on leaving early in the morning of 10th...that didn't happen.  My mom wanted me to help her clean this house that she cleans weekly...she knew I was leaving that day..so not sure what that was all about.  So ended up leaving around 1:00pm & not getting there until about 3:00pm.  We had a nice time just talking, cuddling & watching the movie "Snow White & The Huntsman."  Then we went & laid down & talked some more.  He can't sleep in the same room as me, because I snore too loudly.  I hate that.  It's not like it's something that I can help.:(  Might try some of those "Breathe Right" strips or whatever sometime.  Anyway, the weather hasn't been great around here lately..very cold & a bit of snow..not a lot, but enough to make the roads icy.  There is a road between here & Canon City...that is horrible to drive on when it's icy..it's right next to a river..which freaks me out.  Anyway..I heard it was pretty bad the morning of the 11th & that there was supposed to be more snow coming in later that day.  So instead of staying for an extra day,  I left on the 11th around 2:00pm.  That was bad enough, but before I left...I wanted to "talk" about things & how everything was going.  I was in tears most of the time..and I don't cry in front of ANYONE if  I can help it.  Just some things that were bothering me.  So when I left, it was basically "over" between us & we were just going to be friends.  I gave it a lot of thought later that day & night & knew that I was too far gone to just let it be a "friend thing."  So I texted him & also talked to him on the phone & let him know how I felt.  He said that he wasn't sure what was going on in his life right now & he had to figure a few things out...one of those being if he wanted to get back into a relationship with me.  I brought it on myself, so I was just trying to deal with that.  We continued texting & all.  Then last night, he told me that he DID want to restart the relationship with me.  That made me happy.  I don't know where it will go or how far, but for right now..this is what I want.  I have had offers around here for a FWB...just not interested in that.  I want love & sex...don't think it's right for me to have to choose.  But if I did...well love is an important thing at this point in my life.

Phillip has been a little better about going to school...just hope that he keeps it up.

Things with my ex are stressing me out a bit.  He thinks that we should "hook up" once a week or so even though we are both in relationships, because then it's just "between us" & it's "not like we're cheating on each other."  WTH??  Don't know why he's doing this, except he says that I'm "freakier" than her....whatever that means.  Sorry if it's too much info.LOL

They have cut my hours at Wal Mart A LOT for the next few weeks at least.  It's OK for now...have some things to get done, but hopefully will pick up again soon.

I still haven't been feeling great...just wish the nausea would go away really.

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