

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Vic & I ended up going for a nice walk yesterday and had a really nice time last night. Then I went back over this morning and we went to breakfast. He then had to go help someone move. He called me once this afternoon and said he would call back in a couple of hours. He didn't and didn't call the rest of the day.:( I hate being ignored...hate the waiting. This is ridiculous. I was never good at this kind of thing. If he's that interested, wouldn't he call when he says he will? Anyway, he's hot and sweet and I really like him. So hopefully I can just chill out and go from there. I'm hoping that I can spend more time with him and get to know him better. If not..then will just move on. Getting used to just letting things go. Yeah I know..sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself again, but I'm not. It's just the way it is and maybe it's a defense mechanism. Just don't expect much and then it won't hurt so bad.

Don't know what J and her husband are doing now. They get along, then they don't, then do, etc. I think it's just a major rollercoaster. I hope that they can work things out.

1 comment:

Tim said...

It sounds like you had a nice time with him. I'm not sure what's happened since as i'm just catching up with your blog but hopefully he hasn't been an arse and has called you back. Fingers crossed for you!