

Monday, April 30, 2012


You've probably heard of 'Friend Makin’ Mondays'. One of my followers' (and friend) friends, Kenlie, at All The Weigh does this every Monday. It's great fun and a good chance for you to meet fellow bloggers. If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. 

I'm new to doing this and I'm late for this past weeks..but here are my answers.:)

1. Share one thing that has changed about you since you began blogging.   I have become a bit more secure in who I am.

2. If you were forced to give up chocolate or potato chips for an entire year which one would you choose to live without?   I would choose to live without chocolate.  It's not that big of a deal for me.  Potato chips, on the other hand, are a different story...I LOVE salty & greasy food!!

3. What’s more attractive? A man in a suit, or a man in uniform?  This is an easy one...a man in uniform.  A man in the military if very hot & sexy to me for some reason.

4. If you could be a guest star on a reality show which one would it be?    I guess "The Biggest Loser" wouldn't count on this one...though I would love to be on that show.  So I will have to pick "The Bachelor Pad."  Has anyone ever seen that?  Some of those 'challenges' they have...like kissing all the guys to see who is the best kisser...would be sooooo cool!!:)  OK, so I love kissing.  But to be on one of those shows, you have to be one of the beautiful people...so not sure how that would happen.

5. What is the last meal that you prepared for yourself?   I had some pizza rolls...does that count?  I know they're not healthy and I really don't have to fix them, but that's what I had.

6. Is your hair coloured, or is it natural?   It's colored.  I constantly dye it blonde...but my natural hair color is light brown.  Hasn't been that way since I was around 20 or a little before though.

7. If you could leave town today and go anywhere, where would you go?   That's a hard question...there are so many places that I would like to go.  Las Vegas is one of them.  Love that place.  But if I could go ANYWHERE...I would love to see Egypt or Ireland.  I'm thinking Ireland first.  Would love to see some real castles and I know that it's really green there.  Plus I love how the people talk.

8. Do you prefer to exercise at the gym, at home or outside?  I would like to go to the gym...but for one, I don't have the money right now and for another...I would feel too self-concious around all the built and beautiful people there.  So I usually go for walks..or try to and I also have some exercise DVDs at home that I use.  So the home and outside are my answers.

9. Have you ever asked someone out on a date?   Yes I have asked someone out once or twice..but I don't like doing that.  I think it should be up to the guy to ask.

10. How many cups of coffee do you drink on an average day?   Maybe one or two.  Can't drink too many or it bothers my stomach.  I have to have cream & sugar as well.:)

11. Do you pack lightly, or do you over pack?    I try to pack lightly...so I don't have to pay extra at the airport to put more bags on.

12. What colour are your nails now?   I don't have any fingernail polish on..so they are plain.

13. If you could have lunch with one notable (living) person who inspires you who would it be?  There aren't too many people who inspire me.  I guess I would say Sandra Bullock..she holds up well under pressure and takes the high road.  She didn't trash Jesse James when he cheated on her and she could have done some major man bashing.  I give her credit that she didn't.

14. Who is your favourite professional athlete?  I usually only watch professional football.  So I'm going to go with Tim Tebow...am soooo pissed that the Denver Broncos got rid of him!!  Now he plays for NY Jets, so will definitley be watching them and I hope Denver ends up regretting losing him.  I also like Reggie Bush.  He's just beyond hot to me.:)

15. Gum or mints?  I would have to go with gum

16. Have you ever eaten crawfish?  No I haven't..don't think I have ever even seen one!!LOL

17. List one or more human characteristics that are a complete turn-off   Being totally stuck up and thinking that you're better than everyone else, talking only about yourself, thinking that you know everything.

18. What is your favourite season?   There is something good about each one of them...but my all-time fave season is Autumn...LOVE when the leaves are changing colors and it's cooling down after a hot summer.  But I also love Summer evenings...can lay out under the stars...which is totally awesome in my book.  I like Winter because I love the Holiday Season and I like Spring...because it's the start of something new.

19. Do you prefer to shake hands or hug?  I love hugs...but if you don't really know the person, that might be a little weird.LOL  Though I did have the gay hairdresser who cut my sons' hair recently give me a hug before I left and that was the first time I had ever met him and it wasn't so bad.  So gonna have to go with the hug..I'm a "touchy feely" person anyway.

20. Can you quote lines from Saved by the Bell from memory? If so, what’s your favourite?  I never really liked that show and so no, I can't.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I think I take for granted the castles we have in Britain and Ireland. I love them, they're really beautiful but always forget just how historic our country is compared to a lot of "younger" nations.

Have you seen my "This is England" post before?

There's a couple of pictures of some castles in there.
