

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I just read about a little 5 month old girl named Avery on yahoo. She has SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). She has only 18 months to live and there is no cure. Her dad as started a blog for her...and speaks as if he's her. It's a "bucket list" of things she wants to do before she dies. She won't get to do all of them, but I think it's an awesome idea. Her blog is on my blog list. If you would like to "follow" her.

I didn't go for coffee yesterday with Vic after all. He didn't even call until last night and I missed his call. I called him this morning to see what was up and he said that he started helping someone move and they didn't get done til later.  I hate being ignored. One of my pet peeves. I don't chase...not anymore. So if he's interested, he can contact me.

 My friend that I have talked about a bit here (will call her J)....her and her husband have decided to get a divorce. I knew it was probably coming and they did too...they have just grown apart. I don't know all the details yet. He was home this week...but leaves again tomorrow. I feel bad for her. I wouldn't want to go thru any of that pain again and it sucks that she has to.

I'm feeling "blah" today. It's cold and cloudy out, I'm tired, the house is a mess. I still have to exercise, take a shower, etc. Just one of those days where you just want to snuggle under the covers and sleep. Believe me, it's tempting, but need to get some things done.

Went to Bingo last night and spent too much money as usual. I need to stop. I love Bingo and have been going for years, but just can't afford to go as much as I have been. Since I live in a small town, it's only a few times a week..but still. I have stopped on the scratch tickets though and feel good about that. My cousin and his wife went to a casino last week and won over $15,000! I can't say that I'm not envious, even though you're not supposed to feel envy. It would just be nice to be able to have some breathing room without having to freak out over every little thing.

  I was supposed to go to Canon City (60 miles from here) and meet a guy named Tom last Wednesday, but I cancelled. I just don't feel the need to go out and have sex with random people like I used to. Which is obviously a good thing. I'm not sure exactly it is I'm looking for, but I know it's not that. I want some sort of connection. I may never find that, but that's what I'm looking for.

1 comment:

Tim said...

$15,000! Wow! I can't even imagine how happy they were! I was happy that I found £5 ($8) the other day in my coat pocket! :)

It's good that you've stopped the scratch cards. They can be quite addictive. I'm not sure how it works in the USA but can you just take cash with you to Bingo or do you have to use debit/credit cards? If you can use just cash, can you not withdraw money before you go and then leave your credit card at home? That way you can only spend what you've got and no more. I know a few people do that when they gamble in the UK. So just a suggestion in case it's similar to how it is over here.