

Friday, April 27, 2012


I have exercised for about an hour each day since April 21st. I did skip two days because I was SICK.:( Yuck. Dominic (middle son), got sick first with a bad headache and being nauseous. I got sick in the middle of the night out of nowhere. I won't go into details, but it wasn't fun. Guess it was the stomach flu or something. Just glad it's over with for sure! My weight has stayed around the same place since December, give or take a few pounds. Its frustrating. I have decided to go back to weighing daily..it's just better for me. But will only post my weight once a week on here. I was down to 307 on Tuesday, but yesterday (in TWO days) was back up to 311! I don't know how that's possible exactly, but I manage to do that a lot. Water weight? I just want to be out of the 300's again. That's the main goal at this moment.

Thank you for your comments!:) You guys are awesome. I feel accepted and that's an awesome thing. I know that there will always be haters, but not much I can do about that. I don't even mind the haters making comments...but TRY not to make them so mean. I know that sounds weird.LOL I have never been able to take criticism well..but would take it better if it was done nicer if that makes sense. I know that I'm not perfect. Nobody is. We just all go thru this life and do the best we can.

My house is a friggin' disaster, so that's the next order of business. I want to have a yardsale the weekend of May 12th. What doesn't sell there will go to charity. I just don't need all this clutter in my life. It brings me down and depresses me. Now if I can just get the motivation to do it. Maybe I should watch a few episodes of "Clean House" or "Hoarders!"LOL That should give me PLENTY of motivation.

It rained here yesterday. Love the rain. It's going to be a dry Summer, I think. We didn't get much snow around here this Winter and neither did the mountains.

I'm going to go have coffee with a friend named Vic here in a little while. He's a "new" friend. Will see how it goes. He's 44 and SEEMS like a nice guy...but looks can be deceiving..plus my judge of character isn't always the best. At least he lives here in town and I don't have to drive 2 hrs to hang out with him..that's always a plus. I have a date with a guy named David in Colorado Springs next weekend...but will see if I decide to go or not. Gas is expensive and I have to have some money to take the boys to their bowling tournament in Denver the weekend of May 18th. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!:) XOXOXOXO

1 comment:

Tim said...

I always find TV programmes like Horders to be ideal inspiration to clean my house! Sometimes it makes me go over the top and I throw out TOO much because of that show! haha.