

Friday, December 28, 2012


I started getting sick on Christmas Day.:(  I had to work the next day even though I felt like crap.  I felt that it was better to go into work & then maybe get to go home early than not to go into work at all.  Well I had asked them if I could leave early since I was feeling so bad, but there just wasn't enough people & we were still pretty busy..so I stuck it out.  I spent all day yesterday in bed.  "Just" have a chest cold thing going on, I guess.  Not sure what it is.  My throat is killing me.  I did have a fever, but don't now.  I see the doctor today at 3:15pm.  I'm not sure what they can do, but wanted to make sure that it wasn't strep.  I called off work today. There was just no way that I could go in feeling like I do.  I don't work again until Monday..hoping to feel better by then. 

My mom took my step-dad to a hospital in Colorado Springs the night of the 26th.  The doctor here said it would be better if he was down there around his regular (military, heart, etc) doctors.  Mom came home yesterday for a bit of rest & then went back down today.  It's not looking good.  Right now they are saying he has cirrhoisis (sp?) in his liver & congestive heart failure.  He's pretty yellow.  His daugher & granddaughter are supposed to fly into Colorado Springs on the 31st..I'm sure he'll still be there...she knows what all is going on.  She's a nurse, so she knows how bad it is.  Phillip is having a really hard time with it, as I know the other two are probably as well..I have just tried to keep some of it from them.  Phillip is older & knows what is going on.  He told me "Duke is the only grandpa I have left, I don't want him to die."  It broke my heart.

I ended up eating Christmas Eve dinner by myself...woe is me.LOL  It's OK..I knew that Bev & her daughters had other plans & had to leave before I got there.  Christmas Day...OK where do I start here with my crazy kids?LOL  The younger two still believe in Santa (I hope that I'm not ruining anything for anyone here).  Well I started getting their stockings ready and the presents from Santa out around 1:00am or so.  Dominic insists on sleeping in the living room all the time..have no idea what that's about..so anyway, he is asleep out there as is Matthew.  I get the stockings done & hung back up..and bringing the presents out...luckily I was turned away from Dominic...when he says in a sleepy voice "hi mom."  Scared the crap out of me for one thing.LOL  I told him hey & told him that I had to go in my room for something, so I went & covered the Santa stuff back up.  He then asks if he can check his stocking!  Well I told him that I would have to check first & he can go in the other room for a few & "rest."  So while he did that, I took the Santa presents out & then told him he could look at his stocking & whatnot.  He then wants to wake his brothers up to open presents at 1:30am!!!  I knew that he wouldn't go back to sleep until this was accomplished, so I told him to go ahead.  It was a close one for sure!  Good thing I hadn't fallen asleep!  So he got the other two up & they opened their presents & were all happy with what they got.  Then I told them that I was going to bed & that they should too.  Phillip & Dominic did...Matthew stayed up for the rest of the night playing with his toys and didn't fall asleep until like 3:00pm Christmas Day!  So much energy....
Around 11:00am or so, we went down to my moms' and they opened a few presents there.  My mom....she did awesome for me!  My dad had been in the Navy & there was a picture of his ship that had hung on our wall in the living room all of the years that I was young...she got 3 copies of it made & put into nice frames and gave one to me & to my sisters.  I thought it was an awesome thing to do!  I love it!  I miss my dad.....
Then they went over to their dads'...by this time, I wasn't feeling good at all.  My friend & girl I used to babysit, Tracy, wanted to come over & hang out for awhile at moms' with me, so she did.  We talked some..then I actually fell asleep a couple of times!!  I apologized, but told her that I wasn't feeling great.  After that, I went to the ER because my ankle was really swollen & hurting a lot...it's a normal thing anymore..but I was just tired of it.  They ran some blood tests...good to know that I don't have gout or rheumatoid arthritis..but they have no idea what the problem is & told me to see my regular doctor about it...so 2 hrs wasted pretty much.  Went by my ex-sister-in-laws' & ate a bit & played a game with all of them, then back to moms' for a few..then home.

Yesterday, I stayed at moms' & "pet sat" since she wasn't there.  Mostly I just slept.  I still have to get cards done!  It's been crazy.  I dragged myself home last night after mom got back...just wish I felt at least a little better & that my throat wasn't hurting so friggin' much.:(

JM left yesterday for Seattle instead of the 29th.  Then he is going to fly to Canada from there to see one of his old high school friends who is really sick.  Her name is Mandy.  Was I jealous at first?  Yup..that's just who I am.  But I also know that we have to grab onto whatever happiness that we can.  That we do have freedom of choice, but I also believe that some things are already "set in place."  Guess you would call that Fate or Destiny.  So I just try to go with the flow more & not freak out about every little thing...not easy, believe me.  He texts me & that's cool.  If you remember back in August when he was in Seattle...he rarely texted..but then again..we had only known each other for like 6 weeks at that time.  It's been 6 months now.  Makes a bit of a difference.  She also has a boyfriend who has been cool enough to stick it out throughout her sickness.  I know not many would do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy!

Merry Christmas! Sorry to hear your ankle is still buggin' you. I get the same problem from time to time so I know how horrible something as simple as a sore ankle can really be. My pain is because of my weight and I think it is also linked to my scatic (sp?) nerve....even though my back doesn't hurt. In any case, I bought an ankle compression sleeve from www.tommiecopper.com and it worked for me like a charm. When I wear it, I can go all day with no pain. Maybe it will work for you too!

Hope you feel better soon!
Ontario, Canada