

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I will try to remember all that has happened in the past couple of weeks.  Time flies.  I have been working A LOT.  Then when I get home...I'm just friggin' tired & don't feel like doing much of anything, except zoning out watching TV for a few & then heading to bed.  I'm not complaining...just explaining why I haven't posted on here in so long.  Standing on my feet all day...at night my legs ache & my left ankle hurts like crazy.  Still haven't figured out how to make that better.  I take Aleve & that helps some, but not totally.  I will be staying on at Wal Mart after the Holidays which I'm thankful for.:)  They were going to put me in HBA (health & beauty aids) for two days & then in Pets & Chemicals for the other two days...just putting things on the shelves, etc.  I wasn't really looking forward to that, but it's a job.  But one of the CSM's up front wanted me to stay up there as a cashier, so she told me to tell "them" that I would prefer to do that..which I do.  So I did that yesterday..don't think they were too happy about it, but said that was fine & they didn't want me doing something that I wasn't happy with.  So I won't be working for a week starting the 29th, but should have some hours after that.  I don't need a lot, just some extra money so won't always be worried about it.  Not sure about the food stamp thing, most likely I won't get those back, which I will deal with.  I think I will make too much with child support, Social Security & income from work.  I also have to talk to Social Security about me working.  I know that I can work up to a certain amount of hours per week & up to a certain amount every month, just not sure what it is.

As for Phillip, he was diagnosed with major depression, panic disorder & generalized anxiety disorder.  He's on 3 different medications now.  One to help him sleep at night...think it's call Trazedone or something like that.  Then he also takes Prozac & Abilify.  He seems to be in somewhat of a better mood...but he's tired a lot & sleeps a lot.  He hasn't been going to school like he should.  I'm having a hard time "making him" go.  I don't know what to do about it really.  Then Dave gets on my case about it.  I feel bad enough that he won't listen to me at all where that is concerned, I don't need Dave making me feel worse.  I'm the parent & should be able to "make" him go to school & do what he needs to do.  I'm hoping that once he gets used to the medication that things will be better.  Christmas break starts this week....well they get out on the 20th...so maybe by the time it's over, he will be ready to "deal" with life.  Please keep him in your prayers that he'll get better.

Since I have been working crazy hours...they have me on all different shifts...I haven't been able to spend much time with my kids.  Which makes me sad.:(  But now Dave is like "you need to spend more time with them."  It's ironic...because I used to tell him the same thing!  Kinda weird that he's telling me that now.LOL  I KNOW that I need to spend more time with the boys...I should be able to after I get a set schedule in a few weeks.  They stay with me at night, except for on weekends.

Dominic had a band concert on the 10th & that was really cool.  The 5th graders actually did a great job playing!  I was impressed.:) 

Matthew is sick again.:(  Just started yesterday.  I hope he feels better soon.  He's had a hard time the past couple of weeks...gets over a stomach bug & now is getting another one.:(  Poor kid.  My step-dad has been really sick with it for a couple of weeks now.  He's going to the doctor sometime today.  I worry about him.  He's older & has other health issues, so it's a bit worse for him.

I did end up going to Colorado Springs on the 12th.  JM & I hung out after like 2 1/2 months of not seeing each other.  It was cool.  I got a hotel room for the night.  We just basically watched a movie & talked some.  He's definitely NOT attracted to me (how many times has he told me that)?  I guess I thought that would change over time, but it hasn't.  So will just hang out like we do & accept that that's as far as it will go.  I used to complain that all guys wanted from me was a "piece of ass."  Guess I can't say that now!!LOL  I don't know when I will go back again...maybe in a few weeks..will have to wait & see.

Arturo called me on the 13th out of nowhere.  He's living in Pueblo with his gf Charlotte, but she's abusive or whatever.  He really has to watch that...he was in prison for something pretty major that happened when he was angry...so he really needs to stay away from that kind of thing or he's going to end up going back.  He actually drove up here to see me the night of the 14th.  That was interesting to say the least.  I haven't seen him since October 2010 & that was when I went to visit him in prison.  I had it totally bad for him at one time...luckily those feelings aren't there anymore.  I don't need that kind of drama in my life.  I haven't talked to him since.

I have all of my Christmas shopping done..amazing I know.LOL  I think that I may have to get one or two more little things, but that's it.  I still have to wrap everything though!  I hate wrapping, because I'm not good at it....either get too much paper or too little.LOL  I haven't sent any cards out yet...but plan on doing that starting on Thursday.  We didn't do a family picture this year...just didn't have the time...so hoping that I can get one out for New Year's maybe.  I'm sending school pictures out of the boys to some relatives, but otherwise, just sending cards.  If you would like one, please send me your address at cinnamonsugar869@yahoo.com.:) 

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