

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Work was totally crazy today!!  It was worse than the night of Thanksgiving when they had the sales...will probably be just as crazy the next couple of days.  It totally kicked my ass.  I went to work a 10:30am & it was non-stop pretty much til I left at 7:00pm.  Which makes the time go by faster for sure...but damn!  Need time to breathe too!!LOL

One of my sister's friends that she works with...she is a sweet person..I think she's in her 30's.  I just saw her the other day at Wal Mart & talked to her some..wish I had talked to her a bit more.  She went in for a routine physical...found out that she has cancer in her lymph nodes & liver.;(  She stars chemo tomorrow..but it doesn't look good.  It just totally sucks the way things happen sometimes.  Please keep her in your prayers.

I have so much to do still...wrap presents...send out cards...so behind!  Just really tired a lot of the time after I get home & don't feel like doing much of anything.  Can't believe that Christmas is only a few days away!  It's gone by fast. 

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.:)

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