

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


When does everyone weigh? Do you weigh daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, once a month? I'm obsessed with weighing every day and what the scale says kinda sets my mood for the day.:( It sucks. I think about my weight, food, etc. way too much.


Tim said...

I have my "official" weigh day every monday because I feel like having a weigh in straight after the weekend will encourage me to make better food choices at the weekend.

I do weigh myself occasionally in the week though but just out of curiosity. I don't think this affects my mood because I know it isnt my official weigh in, but sometimes if I see that I am heavier than I should be then it does give me a bit of a kick up the arse to make sure I eat better before my actual weigh day.

Maybe you should consider not weighing yourself everyday if it sets your mood for the day. Why don't you give yourself a challenge for the first few weeks of 2012 and weigh yourself once a week and see how it compares to normal.

The way I see things, if I'm not happy with something, I try and change it until I am happy.

@Fat4Now said...

More often than i eat haha
Thank you for the comment.
Good luck for 2012 x

Mary said...

When I was first starting, I weighed daily for accountability ... and because it felt so good to see the numbers dropping day after day. As you lose more, though, it gets harder to lose, and I totally know what you mean about letting that number make or break your day. I'm going to start weighing weekly (and possibly bi-weekly, if need be) to try and get away from scale dependence. Try to focus on feelings more than numbers - if you're eating well, staying hydrated, and moving around, the numbers will take care of themselves!

Vb said...

Hey Tammy, you still on for January? Being my Paleo challenge buddy that is? Shoot me an e-mail so we can coordinate. violet(dot)barnard(at)gmail(dot)com