

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Wow...this depression is seriously kicking my ass.:( I wish it would just pass already. Will just have to ride it out and hope I start feeling better soon. I think some of it has to do with the fact that Dave will be putting in for his transfer to Denver in March or April. I don't know who long it takes from there...but I don't want him to leave.:( I guess maybe I should have just let him move when he first left me, but I begged and pleaded him to stay around for the boys' sakes. Now I have to go thru all of these emotions again. So though I look forward to what a new year will bring..I also dread it. I was never good with change...it pretty much has to be forced on me.

Helped mom make fudge yesterday and I have gotten some cards (holiday pics) out to some people. I'm totally broke at the moment, so will have to send out the rest probably after the new year. I hate when I have to do that. But what are ya going to do, ya know?

Greg S and I decided to be just friends...though I think we won't even be that really..since I don't feel like texting him anymore really. He texted me a few days ago and said he started seeing someone else down there, but he would like to stay friends. At least he was honest. I thought he was really cool and easy to talk to, so it kinda sucks that he found someone else.:(

Mike K. and I talk some, but not a regular thing. I just don't need the drama.

Sean B. Not sure where that stands and don't really care at the moment.

Mark S. I haven't heard from him since my last blog post. So I'm sure he's not planning on coming up for Christmas. I can take hints pretty well.LOL

Louie...I went over to see him a couple of days ago and he is hanging in there.

I watched all but two episodes of the Biggest Loser..will finish watching those today. I figure I can mess around on here, watch some TV and clean some...the cleaning really needs to be done. LOL I have done some...I will never let my house get this messy again..nor will I keep stuff that I don't need. Not being able to throw things away is a horrible thing...but at least I'm not as bad as some people I have seen on "Hoarders!" KNOCK ON WOOD!!LOL

When I weighed yesterday..I was 309. I'm happy about that. Hoping to be 300 by January 1st. Then hope to lose 10 lbs (at least) every month...so will be around 245 when my class reunion rolls around in the middle of June.

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