

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My mom, step-dad, sister Bev & her fiancee, Carlo went to see Joel Osteen on Friday night in Denver.  We hit rush hour traffic from Colorado Springs to Denver...it was pretty crazy.  Sooo many people were there..there were a couple of guys out front of the Pepsi Center, where it was held, preaching & yelling about God and reading the Bible etc..not sure what that was about?  Maybe some people don't like Joel Osteen?  I admit, I have never really listened to him, but my mom & Bev listen to him on TV and really like him.  It lasted longer than I thought it would, but I did enjoy most of it.  A lot of it..it was like he was talking directly to me.  That life is too short to be depressed, angry, negative, etc. & he's right.  That we shouldn't settle for "good enough," that we all deserve better than that.  All of those parts were cool.  The parts that I didn't really like...I know that there are kids in other countries that need our help..they are starving, are sick, etc.  I wish I could help all of them, but we also have kids in THIS country that need help as well.  Anyway, he showed a 3 minute video of kids in other countries and that they need our help.  He had people going around with "brochures" with kids' pictures on them that you can sponser..for $35 a month..he told people to raise their hands if they wanted to sponsor a child and the volunteers would come around with the brochures and they just needed to fill it out, including their credit card information.  Then they came back around and collected them.  Then sent buckets around to put money in for the church.  Well I wouldn't mind sponsoring a child, but can't afford it right now.  OK, so I guess that kinda bothered me a little.  Then at one point when he was talking, he squeezed his eyes shut and got emotional..was crying a little...I don't know if that was real or just an "act."  Isn't that horrible that I think that way???  But, like I said, a lot of his message was awesome and I felt better after listening to him and I guess that's the most important thing.

We drove back to Colorado Springs & stayed in a hotel there for the night.  Went to Ft. Carson the next morning before leaving to get my step-dad his medicine (he's retired Army).  Also went to Kmart and found a nice shirt for the reunion..which is next weekend already!  I also ordered one..will see which one looks better.  Hopefully I don't look too huge.  I don't even know if I should go...I know that I will be the biggest one there.:(  There is NO WAY that I can get down below 300 lbs now before next weekend..so will get down as far as I can & have to be happy with that. 
Then we just came home.  Sunday was a lazy day & I didn't do much of anything, except do a few things on the computer & watch TV.  Today..I felt OK..but not the best.  Went to the park with my friend J & her kids..and my son Matthew went.  The other two didn't want to go.  Dominic has been staying down at my mom's every night since school got out for Summer!  He likes being away from his brothers & having some peace & quiet, I guess.LOL  Phillip & Matthew DO fight A LOT.:(  Drives me crazy.

Dave went to Denver today & him & Gracie are flying out to Seattle tomorrow for her nieces' graduation.  He'll be back Sunday, I guess.  I'm thankful that it doesn't seem to be bothering me all that much.  Just have to "let go" of all the negative things in my life & all the anger I feel or have felt.  Forgive myself for my past and forgive other people..which isn't too bad..it's the forgetting that I have issues with.LOL  I'm trying to work on myself.  Not an easy thing.

Adam & I text some, but haven't seen him since Memorial Day.  I saw Vic today while I was at the park.  I looked away & acted like I was doing something else.  I guess he kept looking over..to see if I would talk to him?  I don't know...but seriously, WHY would I talk to someone & be nice to someone who pretty much ignored me & treated me like he did?  I haven't seen or talked to him for over a month.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Stay the course dear! Remember this perspective: Focus on the journey, not the number. Who cares if you're not below 300? Only you... No one else knows. Keep working! :)
