

Friday, June 8, 2012


OK I have a question...do protein drinks make you gain weight?  I have been exercising some..but not consistently.  I haven't been eating a ton of stuff..but I gained 4 lbs this week!!  So I thought maybe the shakes were doing it...I have 1-2 a day.  I'm just not happy about the gain at all.:(  Very discouraging.

I keep hoping that things will get better..then something else happens.  On Wednesday...a cop from the Sheriff's office comes to my door to serve me with papers for a bill that I owe..OK that wasn't the problem.  I was in the other room, so Matthew opened the door..but barely.  If the cop saw anything, it was towards the desk (which is a mess) & the boxes that I have over there for yardsale stuff.  I'm going thru things for yardsale and to move if we have to.  Anyway, I go outside to talk to him, he serves me the papers, then he asks me "how many kids are living here?"  I told him 3.  He asked where they were..he had already seen Matthew.  So I said that one was still sleeping (it was almost noon) and one was at my moms'.  He goes "sleeping?!"  I said that yeah my oldest was sleeping, that he's a teenager.  So he asked how old he was and I told him 14.  He goes "well I'm not worried about him.  You're house is a mess."  I couldn't believe he said that!  I told him that I was getting ready for a yardsale and maybe to move and he goes "It looks messier than just for that."  WTF?!  He tells me that he'll be back in a week, that the house had better be "cleaned up" and that he's going to do a "walk through."  I can't even believe this!!  Yes my house is a mess...I have put that on here before.  I have a lot of things to go thru and get rid of.  I was starting to do that.  If I try to do too much at one time,I get pissed off and overwhemed and then don't want to do anything.  So I was doing some every day.  Now I have to get it ALL done within the next 5 days???  He didn't even say for sure that he would be back on Wednesday..he said "next  week."  I don't know how I'm supposed to get everything done in 5 days.  The boys help some, but they don't know what to keep or get rid of..except for their stuff.   Phillip has been helping, because he doesn't want them to take his brothers.  They are NOT going to take my kids.  I don't even think they would give them to Dave because he is living with his sister & her house isn't nowhere near spotless.  All I have to say if they think they are taking my kids, then they had better bring back up. 

My sister, Cindy, who lives in Grand Junction..she works at a convenience store.  She was working the other day, along with a few other employees, including male ones.  Well if something happens, you're supposed to push the "panic button."  Cindy saw a guy out at the gas pumps beating the crap out of his girlfriend/wife.  So she just automatically went out there and told him to stop and to chill out.  Well he went after Cindy!  Started punching her too.  The guys that were there did NOTHING & nobody pushed the "panic button."  Finally Cindy yells for them to call the cops.  Anyway, the guy took off running and THEN the guys chased him.  I don't know if they got him or not.  Cindy will be OK..but now she might lose her job, because she didn't push the damn button.  Well they will have to fire everyone then, because nobody else did either.  It's ridiculous.  She was just trying to do something good.  I may not get along with her much, but I still love her.  I would have stood up for her.

I haven't talked to Adam since Wednesday night..which is weird.  Usually we text or IM some every day now.  Plus he answers my texts pretty fast.  He hasn't answered my last two texts.:(  One was last night and one was this morning.  I had talked to him before about my abandonment issues and how I feel when people "bail" on me.  So if he's doing that..then that's totally messed up.  I hope that he's just busy or something.  I'm soooo damn tired of all of the rejection.

I want to thank everyone for commenting on my posts.:)  Jolene...glad I "won you over.":) 

Well I had better get started cleaning...have a lot of work to do...yuck.


Mary said...

I don't drink protein shakes, it's a waste of calories unless you're burning a ton of calories in a workout - they're also better for muscle building than weight loss. If I have a fruit/yogurt smoothie, it's a meal, not a snack.

Sarah said...

I'm with her. Protein shakes are made for muscle recovery after vigorous workouts, especially lifting. I would steer clear! Sorry about all the stress!
