

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Things are going a bit better...the officer was "out of line," & went beyond some boundaries.  My mom & step-dad know some of the local law enforcement & talked to them about the whole situation..since I was freaking out.  The officer can't just say he'll be back in a week to do a "walk thru."  He would have to have a warrant & no judge would give him one without cause.  Plus, if he was really concerned..Social Services would have been called immediately.  I totally understand that they are trained to look for that sort of thing..they say that there have been some pretty bad cases..where there were cockroaches & other bugs all over the place, etc.  But geez...I may be a lot of things, but I believe that I'm a good mom.  Yes I'm totally disorganized.  I have done a lot of cleaning though in the past week!!LOL  I have quite a bit ready for a yardsale..that I will have either the last weekend in June or the first weekend in July.  I still have some cleaning to do, but will definitely get it done.

I'm HUGE.:(  The past few days I have eaten a TON of stuff.  Well maybe not a ton, but a lot of crap with carbs in it..so I feel disgusting.  I don't even know if I'll weigh on Thursday..since I have the reunion on Saturday night..I don't want to depress myself too much!  We'll see.  I need to get things back "under control" again. 

I have been soooo tired today.:(  My oldest keeps waking up at night having panic attacks & wakes me up, so I can calm him down.  I feel sooo bad that he has to go thru that crap.  I just haven't been getting any sleep..between that & all of the stress.  I slept most of the day yesterday off & on, but still woke up feeling "icky."  I wish I could sleep & wake up feeling "refreshed!"LOL  But I usually just still feel tired.:( 

A guy in North Carolina has offered to pay my airfare if I will come hang out with him for a week sometime..we have been friends for awhile over the internet.  I may take him up on the offer...just hate explaining things..where I'm going, who I'm seeing, etc..to my mom, ex, etc.  They are just concerned about things like that..since I don't really KNOW that the guy isn't a psycho killer.  Would just be nice to get away for a bit. 

Matthew (youngest) has had a major cough for the past couple of weeks & was getting worse instead of better.  So I took him to the doctor on Monday.  He said that it had started out as a virus, but then had gone into his lungs.  So his lungs are inflamed & he has "temporary asthma." :(  So he's on antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs..for a few days & an inhaler to use every few hours if he needs it.

I'm not so stressed out about money right now..went to Bingo last Friday night...had like $10 to my name.  I won a total of $425!!!  I have NEVER won that much money at Bingo (or anywhere else for that matter.  So it has really helped. 

I have talked to Adam a couple of times...or should I say texted.  He wanted to come over & hang out the other night..sit out on the porch & have a couple of beers after the kids went to bed..but it was pretty late then & the kids were still up...it's Summer.  Hard to get them settled down sometimes...well it's really just Phillip who thinks he has to stay up to all hours.  We have this problem every Summer...then it's a pain to get him back on the "right" schedule when school starts again.  So will have to see about getting it straightened out now.  I know he's 14, but him staying up all night & sleeping all day isn't good for him, for me or for anyone else.  So Adam said maybe another time.  I was surprised he wanted to come over at all or do anything. 

1 comment:

Cathy said...

My 13 year old is the same way. He feels he should get to stay up all night just because it's summer. Ugh! (I feel better about commenting now that I'm in the current month.) :-)