

Friday, November 25, 2011


I had a pretty good Thanksgiving.:) Things went well. The only thing that I'm irate about at the moment is Mike K. He texts me saying that he had a crappy day (him and his wife are separated, but still live in the same house, because he doesn't want the kids to be upset and because she can't make it on her own..though she's the one that doesn't want to be married anymore). So Thanksgiving with her and her family was awkward and not the best this year. I told him to call me later if he wanted to talk about it and he said that he would. Well he works at night..he texts me later and says that he'll talk to me soon, that he's talking to one of the girls at work..no problem..then texts me again later and says that it's nice to have shrink at work that he can talk to anytime and he feels better now. OK...well sooo glad that he has someone that he can talk to there (he lives 3 hours away) instead of talking to me, like he said he was going to. Has told me in the past that he really needed someone that he could talk to about things, etc. Well obviously..he doesn't need ME to talk to. It just annoys the hell out of me. Texts me and says "did you need to talk?" Ummmm...excuse me?...I thought YOU needed to talk? Anyway it doesn't matter. I told him not to worry about it and that I was glad he was feeling better. I should know better.

Then I have Sean B. texting me constantly or calling me constantly. It's come to the point that I don't answer his calls and most of the time, don't answer his texts. If I'm not available to talk 24/7, he's flipping out. "I don't have enough time for him," "I must be too busy to talk to him," "no wonder my ex left me," etc. etc. We have talked off and on (mostly on) over the phone for a couple of years. He is also 3 hours away. We haven't met yet. HE keeps putting it off. Even when I have been available and asked if he wanted to hang out, he comes up with an excuse. So that's kinda shady. He doesn't have kids..so that's another issue...if he needs all this attention now, how will it be if we ever got together? Would he be jealous of the time I spend on the kids? So whatever.

Then Paco..I don't know. I don't want to lead him on. I really like Mike K., but I don't know how that would work out anyway. I don't plan on moving any time soon..causing more stress for my kids. Yet I'm not postive I want to be in a long term relationship with someone who is 18 years older than me..and only a couple of years younger than my mom. That's just creepy to me.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog (Fat.Boy.Thin) the other day. Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you.

You asked when I was going to Mexico, I'm going in November next year, so just under a year from now. I've never been there before so I cannot wait! I'm rubbish at speaking Spanish so hopefully my British accent will attract some senoritas! haha!

Thanks again for reading my blog, I really do appreciate it especially when I get lots of fabulous comments.

All the best,

