

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Sometimes I can't think of anything to title my post...so I will just make it an obvious one.:) Halloween went well. Took the boys trick-or-treating. It was really nice out...no snow!!LOL They had fun, but got "over it" after their bags were about half full. They just wanted to get home to eat their candy!!

Still talking to Mike K., but not so much to Jeff H. Now sure why Jeff isn't texting much, but that's on him. Mike and his wife are separated right now...she needs to "find herself." I think they will end up back together. Which is a GOOD thing. They have 3 little kids and all. Yes I like him, but I wouldn't come between that. I know how that feels. I don't know for sure that they will get back together, but if they do, I will be supportive. He sent me a few little gifts that I got on the 31st! I was sooo surprised! I haven't gotten anything like that "just because" in years. He said it was a Halloween gift and a token of his friendship. He got me some earrings, a really nice necklace, a pack of gum, some tic tacs and a really nice friendship card. Is that cool or what? Made my day.:)

I think that I have talked about Sean B. before, but it might have been awhile. Not sure. We have talked off and on for over a year. He was going to go to the party with me on the 12th (would be the first time meeting). Well, I don't always have time to text back right away. Plus he has an overnight job and he gets upset when he calls at 2:00am or whatever and I don't answer. I'm sleeping!! Anyway, I told him I would call him last night. He had texted me yesterday to call him, but I had gone to Colorado Springs with my mom and Duke and told him that it would be nice to talk alone. Before I could call last night...he texted me and told me to just forget it. That since I didn't call, I was a liar. Told me to fuck off. That he thought I was smarter than that (to be able to push buttons on a phone). That I was self centered and don't care about anyone but myself. Damn. Guess he told me. So I didn't say anything back to him..what am I going to say?? Before he sent me the last few rude texts, I told him that it was over, that I didn't need to deal with that. That he needed to find someone without kids, who could put all the focus on him. He just tried to call a gain a little bit ago, but didn't answer. What am I going to say??

It snowed here this morning! We have like 5-6 inches and it's still snowing. Mom and Duke were going to go over to Grand Junction to see my sister, Cindy and my 1 year old niece, Jasmine, today, but with the snow, they won't. There are a few mountain passes to go over and it's not a fun thing. It's supposed to be "nice" tomorrow and Friday and snow again on Saturday. Then next weekend is supposed to be nice..which is awesome since I am planning on going to Denver.

I weighed myself on Monday and was 310...so down a pound from last week. I had gotten down to 290 at one point. Can't believe that I let myself gain back 20+ lbs.!:( Then Monday and Tuesday I ate way too much and felt like crap. Today is a new day and I WILL be better. Exercising, drinking more water, not eating as much, etc. It's just not easy. Wish me luck!! First main goal is 300 lbs

1 comment:

Virtual Paul said...

Hi Tammy. I just want to wish you the best in losing that weight. It is extremely frustrating to have to lose weight that you have lost before. I try so hard not to go backwards because it is such a struggle to lose in the first place. Keep at it. I know we can do this.