

Friday, November 4, 2011


My youngest, Matthew, turned 8 yesterday! That's sooo hard to believe! That my "baby" is 8! Time goes by sooo fast. I took some cupcakes to school for him. Then after he got out I took him to the Mexican Restaurant that he wanted to go to.:) My oldest, Phillip, went with us. Then went down to moms' for cake, ice cream and presents. I got him a couple of little transformers and a Spongebob DVD. He liked all of those OK, but mom got him a nice, soft blanket with deer on it and he LOVES that!LOL You never know what they will like from one minute to the next. Then he went with his dad for awhile. I took the two older ones to see "Paranormal Activity 3." My niece said it was stupid, but I thought it was a really good movie! Scared the hell out of me!!LOL That makes it a good movie in my opinion. Of course, didn't like the ending...maybe leaving it open for another one? Who knows.

Mom and Duke are going to Grand Junction today to see my sister and niece. They want to go before the weather gets worse. The mountain passes suck during the winter. There is another storm coming in tomorrow, so I think they'll go over for a few hours and come back. It's a 4 hour trip though..so it will be a long day for them.

Sean and I are talking again and I plan on seeing him in Denver next Saturday. We will see how that goes. I was thinking about it and I have been talking to him off and on for over TWO years, not one like I put in the last post. Time goes by too fast sometimes. I'm still talking to Mike K and he's totally cool. He's easy to talk to and I enjoy getting his calls and texts.

I'm going to Colorado Springs Christmas shopping on Monday with my friend Tracy. She called and asked if I wanted to go. I don't have a lot of money, but maybe can spend a little. Christmas will be hard this year...hell it's hard EVERY year.

Dave wants me to start letting him take the two younger ones to Denver with him on weekends when he goes sometimes. I know that eventually I will have to, but I'm not happy about it. I know they need their dad and I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with Gracie. I don't trust her not to say things about me and try to turn them against me. But the boys are getting older and I know that I can't protect them forever from all the bad in the world.:( I would if I could, believe me.

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