

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Ok, I can honestly say that I'm TIRED of food. Tired of worrying about, thinking about, obsessing about, dreaming about food. It's ridiculous. I can't even enjoy food anymore because always worrying about either the calories, the carbs, the fat OR all three. Tired of not seeing any weight loss. Tired of feeling "icky," tired, bloated and sluggish all of the time. I ate this morning and feel sick. I'm just soooo over it. So starting now...I'm not eating for awhile. I know that's drastic and I may fall off the wagon tomorrow, but for now, this is how I feel. I will just have to make sure I get my vitamins and minerals thru a protein drink or something. Other than that, will just drink water, diet soda (yes I know its bad, but I have to have some kind of carbonation), coffee, tea. I will still keep up with the exercise. My body is all out of whack. I'm obsessed with weighing myself every day. Sometimes mulitple times. Tuesday I weigh 306, Wednesday 303 and now today 308. How is that even possible???? I'm tired, cranky, irritated, annoyed. I have period cramps really bad and have had them for weeks and yet NO PERIOD.

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