

Monday, January 6, 2014


Let's see where to begin....New Year's Eve was nice.:)  I worked until 6:30pm & then went home.  The boys did end up staying at mom's & all were good.  Jeff & I hung out, ate pizza, played a board game, watched a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries & watched the ball drop in Times Square. I enjoyed it.  

I found out later that one of my friend's in Ireland...his wife passed away.:(  They have a 9 year old boy I believe.  She had been sick for awhile, but it's still sad.

I was able to get in to see my doctor (finally) on the 3rd.  OK...my white cell count is still a bit high.  The Eosinophils are a white blood cell that make up about 5% of all white blood cells...well mine is 18%.  It could be I'm having an allergic reaction to something, it could be leukemia, it could be a parasitic infection. GROSS on the last one!  She asked if I had been out of the country...which, of course, I haven't.  I looked it up & people can have parasites for years & not know it.  It could come from contaminated water, food, etc. OK people I hate bugs of all types.  I didn't watch the TV show "Monsters Inside Me," because it's just sooo disgusting that I don't even like thinking about it.  Now I may have a PARASITE???!  You can imagine that I'm trying not to think about THAT.  I have to do a few tests this week & then have another appt on the 17th.  I hate having to wait that long.  If it's NOT a parasite, then there will be MORE tests to figure out what's going on.  A great way to start out the New Year....but I just want to find out what's going on, so hopefully I will feel better.  I missed work again yesterday.  Just feel like crap basically.  I know that I will probably get in some trouble for that, but I Facebooked the personnel manager yesterday & asked about taking a leave of absence until I can find out what's going on with me & getting better.  I'm supposed to work today & she wants me to come in & get the paperwork started.  My doctor will have to fill out some papers. I don't know how long I will take off & the fact that I won't be getting that money is kinda making me panicky, but I feel that I need to do this for myself.  For my health, both mental & physical.  Plus it's not fair that I keep calling in & then them having to deal with not having an employee there that was scheduled to work.  If I kept calling in, I would get fired.  There are two kinds of leave.  One I could keep working, but when I called in, it would be covered or just take a full leave of absence...which I plan on doing.  After I feel better, after I get a vehicle, etc...then will decide what I'm doing from there.

My dad has been gone 13 years (on the 3rd).  It sometimes seems that long & other times...not so much.  I still miss him immensely.

The boys start school again today....including Phillip.  He's going to go to the alternative high school.  I think I mentioned that.  Will see how that goes.  Dave is going to take him this morning instead of him riding the bus with the other two.  I think it's important for at least one of us to be there on his first day.  I have to work...but may be able to go by there with them first, then Dave can just take me to work from there.  I don't like relying on him for anything, because he thinks that I'm just going to give in to him & that's NOT going to happen.  It's a bit of a long story.

Nobody answered the questions that I put out there...so that's depressing.  Not sure why NOBODY answered, but whatever.  It's all good.

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