

Monday, March 18, 2013


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: All The Single Ladies (and Gents)

1. What is your current relationship status? Are you happy with that status?  Well I'm in a relationship, but it's complicated.  We get along really well for the most part & have an easy time talking to each other.  More passion would be good.  It's more of a friends with cuddling thing. 
2. Do you find it enjoyable to take care of someone in addition to yourself, or do you prefer to be responsible only for yourself? I have 3 kids..so already take care care of other people...wouldn't mind taking care of someone else...though I'm not used to that right now.
3. What’s the most important physical characteristic in your mate/potential mate?  His smile.  If a guy has a nice smile, I'm a goner.:)
4. What’s the most important (non-physical) characteristic in your mate/potential mate?  He has to be funny...laughter is a good thing.  Plus loyal, honest, dependable, caring.
5. Is it important to you that your significant other have the same hobbies and interests as you?  You have to have at least a few things in common otherwise you can't relate to each other.  You have to have your own interests as well...but if you don't have anything that you like to do together..it most likely won't last.  I have this issue a bit at the moment.  He's 14 years younger than me.  So don't have a lot of the same interests or hobbies...which has led to some issues.
6. If you could go out on a date with a celebrity who would it be?   Jefferey Dean Morgan.:)

7. What’s your idea of a good first date?  Movies is cool...but then you can't talk and get to know a person...so dinner or coffee...then go to a park or somewhere quiet where you can just walk & get to know each other or maybe go on a picnic and talk.
8. Are there any traits/habits that you’d consider a deal breaker?  Rude people, someone who is arrogant or feels that the world revolves around him.  I have dated a couple of ex-cons in my life...and that's a no go.  They have their own issues to deal with.  No alcoholics or drug users.  If they want to occasionally go out & drink with me that's cool...but an every day thing...no thanks.
9. Okay ladies…Facial Hair: Yes, or No?  I used to say no to facial hair of any kind...but now I think that either way is fine...though I still don't like a TON of facial hair.
10. Would you marry someone who is opposed to diamond engagement rings?  I don't really care about the ring...I actually like rubies & sapphires more.:)  I don't think I'll ever get married again anyway.,.but never say never, right?
11. What do you wish you could do differently in your next relationship?  Quit being so insecure & acting "helpless" when I'm not...I AM insecure...but not helpless.   I would also quit giving so much when the guy doesn't put in the effort to give back. 
12. Is there anyone from your past that you’d like to date again now? I don't think that would work...there are some cool guys from my past...but if it didn't work then, it most likely won't work now.
13. Describe your worst first date story ever.  I haven't had a lot of dates...but I guess this will count.  I had driven 2 hours to see a guy that I had been talking to on the internet.  We had gotten along fine and all.  Well I get to his place, we talk for a bit, then decide to go grab something to eat.  It was an OK restaurant...but I ended up paying for myself...even though I had told him I didn't have a lot of money on me..since I paid for gas & all.  He didn't even OFFER to get my dinner.  While we are there, he tells me that he probably should work on some of his college homework..even though he had told me on the phone before I went down there that he was doing all that, so we could spend time together.  I said OK...we go back to his place.  He says that he's going to go into his room to work, since his computer is in there.  That's cool.  I said I would watch some TV and chill.  Well pretty soon..like after an hour...I go in there & he's sleeping!!  So I'm like whatever, I'll give him an hour.  So I do & I hear him moving around in there a bit..but he never yells for me or comes out.  So I wait a few & check again...yep he's still sleeping.  So I wrote him a note, got my stuff & left.  Drove home 2 hours in the dark...which I don't like doing, that's why I was going to stay at his place and sleep on the couch.   He doesn't text or anything, so finally I call him to tell him that I thought he was a rude jerk...I woke him up...this was around midnight.  He says he thought I was still in the living room!!  Needless to say, we don't talk anymore.LOL
14. Describe the perfect date with your significant other. I like the idea of a picnic somewhere.
15. Would you date someone shorter than you? I've always liked guys to be taller than me...I'm 5'9.  I don't like towering over a guy.  I don't like feeling that I can protect HIM instead of the other way around.LOL  Plus I feel like an Amazon or something....so at least my height or taller is good.
16. Share one (or a few) bonus traits that would be fun to find in an significant other (even if they aren’t as important as other traits.)  I love going to cemeteries....yes I know that it may be weird.  I like looking at old tombstones, wondering about what people's lifes were like...so that would be a bonus trait if he liked that too.:)
17. What’s one thing you’d like to do with a significant other that you’ve never done with another?  Go on a vacation that HE plans.  I think it would be awesome to just go somewhere with the guy I like & not have to worry about having to plan everything.
18. PDA: Yes, or No?  A little yes.  But appropriate is good.  Holding hands, hugging...maybe a little kiss here & there...but not a full make out session.LOL
19. Do you kiss on the first date? Depends on the chemistry & if you both want to.
20. Who, if anyone, makes your heart flutter?  Jeff for sure.  But gotta admit that a couple of my guy friends do as well.  Always makes me smile when I see them.

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