

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hey I couldn't think of a better title!!LOL The 4th of July was fun. Went to the parade at 4 with Dave and the boys. Then had a barbecue at my sister-in-laws'. We watched fireworks (shot off a nearby mountain) from her front yard. Sitting on lawn chairs, covered with blankets...got a bit chilly!! Had a nice time though.

I still don't feel good. I hate that. My oldest told me yesterday "you never feel good." It's sooo depressing, but it IS true. It's a rare day that I actually feel GOOD. On those days, I try to get as much done as I can, because I know the days I feel like crap..I won't feel like doing much of anything.

I haven't lost any more weight, but took my measurements yesterday and I have lost 2 more inches off my hips!! Woo-hoo!! I'm just hoping I can fit in the airplane seat on Tuesday! I'm so worried about that. Thin people would never understand.

My mom has to go in tomorrow for them to put some kind of dye in her back...her discs are bad and she's been having a lot of pain with that. She had to go off her blood thinners for this and I worry about that a lot as well. She's 60. So please keep her in your prayers that she will be OK.

A question for you: Would you ever consider writing to a prisoner?

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