

Monday, March 2, 2015


A lot has happened over the past couple of months.  My middle son, Dominic, turned 13 at the end of January & my oldest, Phillip, turned 17 in the middle of February.  So weird them being those ages!!  Then my niece, Justine, had a baby boy on February 7th.  His name is Maximus Xavier.:)  He's a cutie!!  Just love him totally already.  I see him most days as they are still living with my mom.  They have been for almost a year now. They really need to get their own place.  But things are expensive around here.  Justine is 22 & Brandon will be 30 later this month.  This is a small town & there are always rumors.  Well pretty much the whole time she was pregnant, people were telling Brandon that the baby wasn't his, etc.  So sometimes he believed the other people & sometimes he believed Justine.  There was a lot of fighting going on.  She was always with Brandon or around mom & I...so not sure when he thought she was seeing anyone else.  I know that she had been seeing someone briefly right before she started seeing Brandon..so I think thaf's what caused the biggest issue.  Brandon has an ex wife here in town who is a total bitch...well I shouldn't say that...it's not like I know her personally.  But she won't "allow" the kids she has with Brandon to be around Justine AT ALL.  Well she really has no say in the matter unless it was court ordered & it's not.  But Brandon lets her control that situation.  He has to be around his ex to see his kids.  He goes out of town with her to buy them clothes or whatever!!  NO WAY would I let that happen if I was with some guy with an ex wife.  Either that or let Justine go with them...which doesn't happen.  He goes to see his other 2 kids pretty much every day.  He says he misses them.  I can understand that...but to be gone for HOURS??  Then some other girl is trying to get back with him & he has left to talk to her...telling Justine that he was "going to see his kids."   He doesn't have a steady paying job, so they are always broke.  Mom can't keep supporting them.  Hell she can't even support herself hardly since my step-dad passed away.:(  She is annoyed with Brandon & doesn't really like him.  ANYWAY, back to the paternity thing....he wouldn't sign papers at the hospital because he wanted a DNA test first.  He didn't want his name in the newspaper in the birth announcement.  So it's just hers.  It's bullshit.  So he won't pay for a DNA test...because he has no cash.  But the baby looks JUST LIKE HIM.  At first, you couldn't really tell...but he's 3 weeks old now & you can tell that he belongs to Brandon.  I don't know what Brandon thinks, but if he doesn't see it, then he just doesn't WANT to see it.

Mom has been pretty sick again.  In a lot of pain.  She had something called C-diff in January. It was bad.  She couldn't hardly stay awake, had no energy, was acting confused.  It's when too much bad bacteria gets into your intestines or something & not enough good bacteria stays.  It can be caused by an overuse of antibiotics.  She has had to take antibiotics over the years for numerous things...so it could be it.  It "went away," but now she's in a lot of pain.  She sees the doctor this afternoon.  It could be a kidney or bladder infection this time.  I'm just hoping it's something they can help her with.  She's afraid to take antibiotics now.  I can't say that I blame her.  So with her health not being great & her being stressed out because Brandon is .....well Brandon...I worry about her a lot.  She's only 65...but has had health issues for the past 30 years.  It's hard seeing her get older.:(

My health hasn't been exactly great.  The past week or so I have just been REALLY tired.  Zero energy.  Feeling nauseous off & on, headaches, stomach pains,  a low grade fever the past few days etc.  Could just be a "bug" going around.  I'm hoping that's all it is & that it's gone soon.  Then my allergies are kicking in...Claritin really seems to help with that.  My eyes are red, watery, itchy,  my nose is stuffy....so annoying.  I had allergies when I was a baby to everything...had to drink goat's milk...I haven't had it since...but it just gets a big YUCK from me now.LOL  I was allergic to eggs, bananas..etc....there was a whole list of stuff.  Then I outgrew it.  Well the allergy to eggs is back..my face doesn't get swollen anymore (there was an incident when I was a kid...I loved eggs & my grandpa loved me...so he fixed me quite a few)LOL  That allergy had gone...but now I can't eat eggs without feeling really sick & being in a lot of pain for hours.  I still love eggs...but have to give them up.  Hopefully that never happens with bacon!!LOL  I don't know what else I"m allergic to...but it could be the reason that I feel like crap all of the time...maybe I should see an allergist if I can come up with the cash.  

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